Monday, March 2, 2015


Oh...and when I said I'd got your back, Israel...
After bashing Netanyahu (par for the course) top Barry Obama aide Rice is to address AIPAC. And to make the outing even more ridiculous, that UN envoy Samantha Power is also to attend the pro-Israel lobby group’s conference in a bid to 'ease tensions' over Iran. The two major Israel detesters will be as welcome as two rancid pork chops. The New Dems under Fuhrer Obama, have moved as far away from the days of the Kennedy Bros as to be politically nearer the Castros; and then there are the 87 Democrats who are as anti-Israel in their voting as any Arab Block. Pity the liberal Jewish vote is still on auto pilot when they enter the polling booth and hasn't yet figured this. The arch narcissist can't abide Bibi because he gives the treacherous Grand Wazoo no credence what so ever. A report out of Kuwait claims that Obama thwarted an Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear facilities in 2014 after he threatened to shoot down Israeli jets! At the Court of Obama, one is expected to bend low, kiss ass and follow Barry down into the Bunker of the Bewildered. 

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