Friday, March 13, 2015


Even among committed Democrats, this should raise major concerns; and among Jews and Israel even more so.  Much is being made of the letter signed by 45 U.S. Senators, all of them Republican, aimed at schooling Iranian leaders in the requirements of the U.S. Constitution. Secretary Kerry said his reaction was “utter disbelief”, conveniently forgetting that Democrats - including Kerry -  have met on many occasions with enemy foreign leaders in defiance of the President of the other party. The Obama administration has told Congress that it won’t submit the nuclear agreement with Iran for Congressional approval, but now Iran's Zarif is saying that it will be submitted to the United Nations, to form the basis of a United Nations Security Council resolution, presumably aimed at lifting UN sanctions on Iran. Enabling the United Nations to consider an agreement or portions of it, while simultaneously threatening to veto legislation that would enable Congress to do the same, seeks to undermine Congress’s appropriate and Constitutional role. Iran's unstated objective is not a bagel franchise, but nuclear weapons; and trying to bypass Congress and putting decisions into the hands of the UN - an assembly of odious, anti-Israel regimes for the most part - should not be regarded even by the Obama faithful, as just some cute political move.
Oh, so you elected lot want a say on what moi, your Emperor,
 has already decided?

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