Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Here's the problem and it's not Bibi, the Israeli PM. Barry Obama, along with most but not all Democrats, are behaving like Chamberlain groupies; and without visual clues - like Iran's Mullah Men wearing jackboots and swastika arm bands - have zilch understanding as to who these creatures are; therefore think they can cut some Barry-speak crapology about "double digit" deals with Islam's death cult psychos in Tehran. In the early 1930's as Hitler was voted democratically into power, the liberal tendency and the likes of the New York Times regarded Winston Churchill - who was not in power in the UK 'til later - as a scare mongering war seeker. While Chamberlain smooched in Berlin, Churchill was calling the Nazis a gang of criminals who would have to be dealt with. The liberals - still in their peace-in-our-time zone - got it so wrong then and they are most certainly getting it totally wrong now.
And this is just the known sites!

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