Tuesday, March 10, 2015


Remember when we said it wasn't a terrorist attack?
And the carrot crunchers, liberal media
and all the nodding dogs actually believed us!
Remember all the Barry Obama and Bitch of Benghazi tripe talk about that video?  Hillary 'what does it matter' Clinton - with her private email account, which she railed against others having - could actually win the 2016 election and be the next president of the USA. Think a mo about the consequences of that! And there are enough political simpletons and village idiots out there to make it happen. Meanwhile, the latest is that Benghazi is now completely under Islamic State control! Abdelhakim Belhadj, the head of a faction that at one time received U.S. support in the effort to overthrow Mad Dog Gaddafi, is now reported to be the head of IS in Libya. The group is now using Libya as safe haven away from its main area of operation in Syria and western Iraq. This comes at the same time that Boko Haram, the barbaric group best known for doing what Islam has always done best (it's OK, it's in the Koran) kidnapping women and girls in sub-Saharan Africa to become “brides” or sold as slaves, has now sworn their allegiance to Islamic State. Boko Haram’s open embrace of IS is a critical event; for it widens the death cult's franchise and thus encourages every Islamist band of psychos to join the party. 
There are still zillions of western folk too busy with tweetin' an' txtin' banality, to wonder what's under the bed; and it will come as rather a shock when Islam's night creature crawls out to destroy their tooth fairy world.

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