Wednesday, June 12, 2013


KERRY: Demand The PLO aka Fatah, Ratify The Oslo Accords!
Er...remind me again, just what they are?
Way back in 1993, Israel signed the Oslo Accords while The Palestinian Liberation Organization did not ratify the Oslo Accords after Arafat and Abbas signed the agreement on the White House lawn. The agreement, which had been hammered out in Oslo, stipulated mutual recognition between Israel and the PLO. It required the PLO to cease and desist from terrorism, and for the PLO to nullify its covenant, which calls for Israel’s destruction. But Arafat announced in Tunis that he could NOT get a quorum of the executive council of the PLO to ratify the Declaration of Principles of the Oslo Accords and the PLO NEVER DID! Kerry and the Israeli Peace Now brigade should spend some time in the library. So you see, the Palestinians just went through the motions, and as they NEVER SIGNED THEY HAVE NEVER CHANGED; NEVER FOR A MOMENT WAIVERED FROM THEIR TRUE INTENT: TO COMPLETELY DESTROY THE STATE OF ISRAEL! (Photo: Copyright Control)

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