Monday, March 11, 2013


The Arabs: Never missing an opportunity to bleat.

After WW2 Europe was carved up, borders redrawn, some winners, some losers;14 million ethnic Germans booted out of Poland etc and folk had to just get on with it! So why can't this happen in the Middle East? Mentality, Mentality, Mentality.
The Arabs have zillions of square miles - a bit like the moon with oxygen and oil, which except for Arabia, they won by conquest. The unending situation is perpetuated because the Arabs can't get their brain around doing a deal with folk (Israel) who reside in about 0.001% of land and actually have the only original title deeds and a history and culture going back many thousands of years for this slither of earth. Can many of us say the same for where our ass is currently parked: wither it be the USA, South America, Africa or Europe?

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