Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Remember all the hoopla the Obama administration engaged in after helping Libya’s “freedom fighters” oust (and sodomize and murder) Muammar Gaddafi? On February 27, Benghazi forces raided yet another Coptic church rounding up some 100 Coptic Christians, accusing them of being missionaries simply because they were found in possession of Bibles and other Christian “paraphernalia.” Many of these Christians have been tortured, some with acid. Egypt, Libya, and any number of Arab nations continue edging towards the resurrection of a global Muslim Caliphate. Obama’s only response has been to continue empowering jihadis—now in Syria, where the “opposition” he supports has, among other atrocities, been making the lives of the nation’s Christian minority a living hell. Such are the policies of the man a majority of Americans voted for; a man who—in our postmodern world and in the words of the ancient prophet—apparently “calls evil good and good evil.” (C) Raymond Ibrahim.

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