Monday, March 2, 2015


If you have a dead parrot, it's OK; but you with a pulse have to purchase the expensive, annual BBC licence...and...
  anyone found watching television as it is being 
broadcast can be prosecuted and fined up to £1,000!  
For it is a criminal offence not to have a current valid licence; and non-payment of fines can also lead to a prison sentence. 
The BBC's files on non payers are in English...
It's rumored that even North Korea's Kim finds the biased, Lefty BBC a tad too hard ass in the political department; but loves the idea of Gulag-ing all non payers. The BBC has long outlived it's once good name. It should now be confined to making programs about wild life, guys in tights and sport. 
Being forced to buy a license to support this old Soviet-style propaganda machine, is a fucking, anti-democratic disgrace!
BBC "Stasi" van and man, out looking for non payers.

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