Friday, March 20, 2015

10,000 MANIACS!

Then the easy-peeze Euro pussies,
followed by the Yanks!
With a watch-list of 10,000 known Islamic State sympathisers in the EU alone, just how long do the media and cultural elites expect people to buy the bollocks of, “it’s just a tiny fringe”? The sheer number of names handed over by the EU to Turkey, makes the task of policing the Turkish border with Syria an almost impossible task, an expert warned. Jytte Klausen said that the watch-list given to officials is a “capacity busting proposition” i.e. the Intelligence agencies across Europe, UK and USA, already can't keep track of all of the known ones, never mind trying to identify possible "sleepers" home grown and otherwise, who are below the radar and not heading off to join the Caliphate, but rather awaiting the day of awakening in a city near you. “The Turks complained that they can’t do it, and you know what, they can’t,” the Harvard and Brandeis University professor explained. Over 4 years ago I started a blog pointing out what seemed to me the future of the bleedin' obvious. For years though, the EU governments and Obama administration have been selling their electorate the disingenuous peace-in-our-time pup and Chamberlain line; which will prove to be as true at containing the coming inevitable in Europe and U.S. as the French built Maginot Line was at stopping the Germans in WW2. (via me at:
(Note: much older posts of mine can be found at:

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