Monday, March 9, 2015


Adolf adulation in Austria.
That Hitler was Austrian shouldn't be a surprise; and there are still very many Austrians who hanker after the good old days and a very strict master who'd administer a dam good whipping on their lederhosen botties. 
Gustav Klimt's murals, The Beethoven Frieze will not be returned to the family of the original Jewish owners, an Austrian panel has decided. The paintings were looted by the Nazis from the family of the Jewish industrialist August Lederer. 
The Beethoven Frieze.
They were returned after WII to the decedents but as the members had emigrated to Switzerland they were unable to transport the works, as the Austrian government, had conveniently, placed an export ban on the masterpiece. The heirs argued this forced Lederer's son Erich to sell the work for next to nothing. The decision against returning the masterpiece was announced on Friday by Clemens Jabloner, head of the Austrian Art Restitution & Day-Light- Robbery Advisory Board, said - without as much as a heel click, Heil the Fuhrer or smirk, "It is not the case that the export procedure was used as a tool to force Lederer into an agreement." 
If you believe that, you'll probably believe that Hitler didn't shag his niece, who then went on to take her own life. 

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