Sunday, March 29, 2015


An ad in the New York Times (image left) placed there by a rabbi, implores Obama to be like Churchill and not to do a Chamberlain regarding the Iran nuke sell out er,"negotiations". The only thing Barry Obama has ever had in common with the late, great WW2 leader of Britain, is that they both stand up to pee.

Saturday, March 28, 2015


You think I look like the kind of gal
who'd take $ millions for my Foundation
from  mysoginist Gulf  Arab regimes, and tell you
porky-pies about my emails?
Hillary R Clinton a.k.a. the Bitch of Benghazi wiped her e-mail server "clean," permanently deleting all e-mails from it, the Republican chairman of a House committee investigating the 2012 Benghazi attacks said Friday. Rep. Trey Gowdy - not a man to trifle with- said the former secretary of state has failed to produce a single new document in recent weeks and has refused to relinquish her server to a third party for an independent review, as Gowdy has requested. Clinton's attorney, David Kendall, said Gowdy was looking in the wrong place. So where does Mr Kendall suggest; in her pantaloons? As to wiping her server clean; unless you smash it to pieces with a hammer, clever geek types in forensics can still find any naughty little secrets. Just hand it over!  

Friday, March 27, 2015


Acting like a chip off her real time fuhrer, Barry Obama, a Goebbels style troop of HRC's storm-troopers have sent out instructions to around 130 media outlets, a list of words they really should avoid using (if they know what's good for them, that is) when they report about the Bitch of Benghazi. I guess that might be two of 'em. 


Q: Hands up all those who think Nazis with nukes is a good idea? Barry Obama does, and therefore is considering allowing Iran to retain its nuclear centrifuges at the Islamic Republic’s once-secretive Fordo fortified underground military site, officials involved in the Iran nuclear negotiations told the Associated Press. The report said that in exchange for being allowed to keep the several hundred centrifuges at Fordo, Iran would not be able to do work there!  Yeah, that sounds like a plan! With Clown Kerry and Obama the Unhinged steering western democracies over the Niagara Falls, what's there to worry about. The present U.S. administration should present themselves ASAP for voluntary euthanasia.


Yossi Matias: The Israeli Google software wizard.
You know that function on Google Search that finishes your sentences for you? Or what about the helpful information boxes that you often see at the top of a search inquiry? These central features of Google’s most valuable offering have helped the Internet giant beat out other worthy competitors, like Yahoo and Bing, and continuously do their share to make information more accessible. What you may not know is that autocomplete, Google Trends, Knowledge Graph and a number of other features on Google were developed in Israel under the supervision of global Google VP of Search Yossi Matias. Tasked with establishing one of Google’s first research and development centers outside of the United States in 2006, Matias has been responsible for directing the Israeli R&D center towards stunning achievements and technological breakthroughs in the realms of search, big data, and internet privacy, as well as initiating impressive cultural entrepreneurship programs that too have “gone global”. In an exclusive interview with NoCamels, Matias paints a picture of just how important a member Google Israel has become in the company’s global family, and offers up his assessments on where the future of Israeli entrepreneurship is heading.

Thursday, March 26, 2015


Qatar is one of the top three sponsors of terror - and without a hint of irony - is "mediating" a long-term truce between Israel and the Muslim Bros demonic off-spring, Hamas. Qatar’s top diplomat in the region and representative in the Gaza Strip, Muhammad al-Ahmadi, has been engaging in shuttle diplomacy, meeting with senior Israeli and Hamas officials in the hope of brokering a ceasefire deal. Al-Ahmadi visited Gaza earlier this month to announce that the reconstruction of 1,000 homes had begun after Qatar pledged $1 billion in aid to rebuild the territory after the conflict. He is also overseeing the building of new roads and new homes. Perhaps his never ending diplo-shuffle is because Qatar doesn't want that pledged $1 billion to have Gaza Central  reduced (yet again) to resemble Berlin cica '45. For if and when the Death Cult Crew of Hamas start their rockets-for-Israel campaign once more, the image below is what Islam's loony tunes can look forward to.
When Hamas fires 1000's of rockets
into Israel, what do the Gaza Goons expect?

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


Here I stand, BS-ing the nation once again...
Good men died looking for Obama's "hero" and Muslim convert Bergdahl. After the swap last year, National Security Adviser Susan Rice said Bergdahl served with "honor and distinction". Which is as near to truth as we are from the 14 billion light-year edge of the known universe. Barry released some of the most dangerous Taliban for this piece of shit!  If by now anyone still doesn't get it about The Great Pretender, they should disqualified themselves from voting for life! 


BBC Director-General Lord Hall - without as much as a smirk or snigger - has admitted that reporting on the Israel-Palestine conflict is “tough,” but insists the corporation aims to be balanced in its coverage.
They are as balanced and as near the truth as Barry Obama speech! Close Auntie down ASAP!
You're telling porky-pies again...


Come to Papa, Barack my boy...
Obama is one treacherous man who's now free to show his real feelings as he sticks the knife into Israel's back. American Jewish folk who voted for the deciple of arch anti-Semite Rev. Wright, should be doing the long walk of shame. They were well warned what a cuckoo in the Dems nest Obama was before the 2008 election; but with that Democrat DNA flowing in their veins they'd have voted for a donkey called Hamas if they'd been on the ticket! 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


My position on the death penalty? Yes, for proven acts of terrorism, child killers, gang rape, cop killers and serial killers. 
Are innocent folk sentenced to death? Yes, and this is a sad fact. But I'd support the death penalty for the categories above, only for those who have been sentenced with multiple evidence sources verified against them, which has brought a jury to the verdict of their undoubted guilt. The guilty should then receive whatever the state law has on it's books for the above crimes. In Utah, currently they have a dilemma in the death department. It's rather bad form that the injection elixir is in such short supply (it comes from the EU) but the limp-wrist liberals of Europe are withholding. Death makes them a ta squeamish, unless it's their own that is. So what other ways to depart the very guilty in the categories that I'd support? Bullets and a squad of keen lads has it's draw backs; each one not knowing if they had that blank. As for Islam's Koranics favorite, throat or head chop? Much too messy; and then there's the clean-up expenses to considered.  Nope, there's little to beat the hemp neck-tie routine; quick drop from a good stout bough. Yeah it's old, but it sure is tried and tested; with the added advantage that Eurostan has bugger all say in the matter. 

Monday, March 23, 2015


Britain has evacuated its last special forces from Yemen because of the deteriorating security situation; i.e. an all out civil war is about to erupt. Likewise, the U.S. has slung it's hook. Hey, wait one dam mo there, partner. Barry Obama said just a little while ago - in that pleased-as-punch, narcissist way of his - that due to his amazing foreign policy Al Qaeda was on the run and Yemen - that Arab piss-pot of a country - was a blazing success! Now it's just the blazing bit. How many more months of The Great Pretender has one to endure? 
Ma speeches were so friggin' brill!


Famed U.S. defence attorney and retired Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz - who backed Barack Obama in both the 2008 and 2012 elections - ripped the President in an address to a conference in Los Angeles on Saturday evening. Referring to the Iran "negotiations", the highly regarded professor stated, “I wouldn’t hire this administration to negotiate a one-month lease for me.” 
All very fine prof; but the question is, why the did it take you so long to figure the faker out? 
Yep. Even moi was an Obama Zombie!

Sunday, March 22, 2015


Every U.S. president has tried in various ways to body swerve Congress and the Senate on major domestic policy disagreements; but Ayatollah Iran - nuke wannabes and number one global terror sponsor - hardly fall into the category of one more domestic tiff on the Hill. Mr Obama has made known his intentions to bypass the Senate, but here's the thing. Any deal reached with Iran would technically be an “executive agreement” with a foreign government, rather than a treaty; which under the Constitution, requires approval by two-thirds of the Senate. Therefore, it would be a non-binding agreement which would not supersede existing U.S. laws. Iran wouldn’t be legally bound to adhere to it nor would the United States or its allies be legally compelled to do anything about violations.
Congress has passed numerous economic sanctions against Iran. Since these sanctions will not be lifted by this Congress, Iran would have an excuse to void the agreement. President Obama can grant waivers of sanctions under certain circumstances but he can’t ignore them, not without violating the Constitution. 
For ten years, Iran has blatantly lied about it's intention, been caught lying to the U.N. nuclear inspectors and everyone else on the planet. Iran can be trusted to the same extent as having three black widow spiders down yer undies and expecting to be alive 24 hours later.

Saturday, March 21, 2015


Israeli company NewCO2Fuels is working on a cost-effective, CO2-based fuel substitute to power the clean transportation of the future and give hope to the ongoing fight against global warming. NewCO2Fuels, founded in 2011, commercializes a technology conceived by Prof. Jacob Karni’s laboratory at the Weizmann Institute of Science. One proof that these extraordinary technologies are being taken seriously, is that BIRD Energy, the joint fund of the US Department of Energy and Israel’s Ministry of National Infrastructure, recently invested $4 million in five joint American-Israeli projects in the clean energy sector, including NewCO2Fuels. (via me at:
About bloody time, if you ask me!

Friday, March 20, 2015


There have always been yer radical lefty Jews and the other lions-lying-down-with-lamb sort, who'd be seen hanging out at the local pharmacy for their scripts; but the 21st century JStreet variety are a very special type of political retard. The kind who would have sponsored their own cattle trucks to Treblinka.
And when I heard the election results, I called
my Hamas friends and
said I'd blow their leader for free.

10,000 MANIACS!

Then the easy-peeze Euro pussies,
followed by the Yanks!
With a watch-list of 10,000 known Islamic State sympathisers in the EU alone, just how long do the media and cultural elites expect people to buy the bollocks of, “it’s just a tiny fringe”? The sheer number of names handed over by the EU to Turkey, makes the task of policing the Turkish border with Syria an almost impossible task, an expert warned. Jytte Klausen said that the watch-list given to officials is a “capacity busting proposition” i.e. the Intelligence agencies across Europe, UK and USA, already can't keep track of all of the known ones, never mind trying to identify possible "sleepers" home grown and otherwise, who are below the radar and not heading off to join the Caliphate, but rather awaiting the day of awakening in a city near you. “The Turks complained that they can’t do it, and you know what, they can’t,” the Harvard and Brandeis University professor explained. Over 4 years ago I started a blog pointing out what seemed to me the future of the bleedin' obvious. For years though, the EU governments and Obama administration have been selling their electorate the disingenuous peace-in-our-time pup and Chamberlain line; which will prove to be as true at containing the coming inevitable in Europe and U.S. as the French built Maginot Line was at stopping the Germans in WW2. (via me at:
(Note: much older posts of mine can be found at:

Thursday, March 19, 2015


Consider Israel stuffed as a done deal,
my good Palestinian friend.
It took about 24 hours after Binyamin Netanyahu's sweeping victory on Tuesday, for the Islam friendly and very petulant Barry Obama and his regime of White House lackeys to issued new threats against Israel, by signaling it might not stand in the way of Palestinian action at the United Nations. Once upon a time, every U.S. administration could be relied on as an ally and supporter of Israel; rather isolated at the U.N. among the light blue seats of those representing totalitarians, Islamo-fascists and other major human rights abusers.  Anyone in 2008 who spent 30 minutes in researching Obama and his odious friends and associates, shouldn't have put their Jewish vote against this creeps name. You 70% not only got it so wrong in '08, but actually doubled down on that crass stupidity in 2012. Still think Barry the Faker is really OK? Then please proceed pronto to the nearest lobotomy clinic. (
We love Barry-O and Co.


It is clear that Barry Obama's takeover of the Internet was written in large part by comrades and radical Marxist-leaning organizations; and it has also come to light that radical socialist-leaning organizations funded by billionaire Socialist George Soros and others, have spent approximately a whopping 200 MILLION DOLLARS ($200,000,000.00) to make Obama's tyrannical and dictatorial takeover of the Internet a reality. It was only a matter of time before the Forces of Darkness took the next logical step. Barry Obama is as much a supporter of the freedom of choice and democratic process  as Genghis Khan was peacenik. The Ilinois Illusionist is one, very dangerous dude! (via me @


The Arab media - as predictable as two dogs ass sniffing - have slammed the re-election of Israeli PM Bibi; although they did, without any irony, congratulate the Arab party. That most Arab countries are one party states or Sheikdoms, located mentality wise between the 7th and 18th century, they have a bloody cheek saying anything about the only democracy in the middle east having an open election for all of voting age. When, if ever, Islam's blinkers fall off, then they might just become eligible to join the 21st century world. (via me @

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Has the old grand mufti and
 church demo advocate,  
just had a self induced wet one?
Saudi Arabia’s top 7th century Muslim cleric, grand mufti of Saudi Arabia, called on Tuesday for the destruction of all churches in the Arabian Peninsula after legislators in the Gulf state of Kuwait moved to pass laws banning the construction of religious sites associated with Christianity. Speaking to a delegation in Kuwait, Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah, who serves as the said the destruction of churches was absolutely necessary and is required by Islamic law, Arabic media reported. Abdullah, who is considered to be the highest official of religious law in the Sunni Muslim kingdom, also serves as the head of the Supreme Council of Ulema (Islamic scholars) and of the Standing Committee for Scientific for fuck knows what.  Ah, the religion of peace and tolerance once again showing exactly what a bunch of goat herdin' pagans they really are. How about a bit of tit-for-tat. For every church Islam's finest have burned down and demolished across the Muslim world in the last ten years, we in the west do ditto to their mosques? This is not a serious proposal for any of you literalistic folk out there; for someone has to be the grown-ups, as Crew Islam is most certainly incapable of being so.


There is nothing better to wake in the morning and know that Obama's camel milk will have turned in the night. Bibi, with a 30 to 24 seat advantage over Israel's home grown surrender monkeys, Barry will be as happy as a man with every tooth pulled in one session without Novocaine. 
Yep. A gallon of gas...
One of his old bag men, David Axelrod (photo left) on hearing the result from Tel Aviv, sounded like an arsonist explaining to the fire chief that his neighbor's house must have been torched by a cat with self combustion issues.
The Democrats continually believe that they are keepers of the moral flame; whereas this particular administration make the Mafia look like an organisation of virtue and honor. 

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


Some size of insect, eh?
Exactly 100 years ago, Albert Einstein formulated his theory of relativity, which has had a major effect on the way scientists see the universe. Now, researchers at Hebrew University, the Open University of Israel, Sapienza University of Rome, and University of Montpellier in France, have presented the “grand old man of physics” with a birthday present – a confirmation that his theory is correct, with proof 7 billion years in the making. The scientists said the results of the team’s experiment, published Monday in the journal Nature Physics, could be a step toward resolving one of the 20th century’s greatest dilemmas – the apparent contradictions between relativity theory and the other great pillar of modern physics, quantum mechanics.
Well, now that's half sorted, here's something less deep to consider when you're in the shower and are banned from singing; like what side of the bed you sleep, and why? 


The controversial so called New Israel Fund and its social change and political lobbying organisation known as SHATIL, have received more than $1 million from the State Department under a program designed to create political change. Not content with trying to stuff Israel with their meddling, in a recently published US Intelligence report, Iran and it's terrorist proxy Hezbollah were removed  in February by the U.S. from a terror threat list. That Iran's proxy Hezbollah was totally implicated behind the bombing of a Jewish Center in Argentina in which 87+ people were killed; and Iran is known by every Western Intel agency as major terror sponsor around the globe, this seems to matter little to the present administration. Of course, it's all a mere coincidence that Iran and it's Islamo-fascist off-spring were removed from the U.S. list, thus making it a tad easier for the present day Chamberlain appeasers to smooth the path to cutting a nuke deal with Iran. Yep, it's CHANGE; but perhaps not quite what some Democrats or liberal Jewish voters expected!  


Next thing you'll be wanting to leave the house
without a minder, learn to
drive and have a idea of your own!
Gulf News reported that a woman in Saudi Arabia has been asked to pay a fine of $5300 and sentenced to 70 lashes by a court of law for insulting and defaming a man on messaging application WhatsApp. A source at the criminal court in Al Qatif in Eastern Saudi Arabia said that the ruling was announced after the court found the 32-year-old woman guilty of damaging the reputation of the complainant on Whatsapp
Par for the course for Islam's misogynists paradise. It's interesting that BDS and other sewer dwellers are highly selective as to what Israeli inventions they choose to boycott. All BDS type retards are such a tribe of major hypocrites! Meanwhile, back in court: I'd have thought another hundred lashes would be in order your Cleric-ship, for one of your 3rd class citizens daring to use an app developed by the dreaded, Zionist infidel. Saudi Arabia. What a fucking country!


A former jihadi who fought for Islamic State in Syria and Iraq has revealed that he left the depraved terror group after being ordered to execute his friends and take part in the rape of Yazidi sex slaves. Total crap! As if this Islamist tosser didn't know what Islam's 7th century psychos were. Same goes for the three much publicised Islamist tarts from the UK who are now reported to be in Syria. Anyone who goes to support Islam's most degenerate knows exactly what they are! Oh, and I'm still waiting for the streets to be full around the world of "moderate" Muslims and the Israel haters, banging their bongos as they shout out, "Not In Our Name"! The sound of Hell freezing over won't be heard any time soon.
Caliphate Mark 2

Monday, March 16, 2015


The so called New Israel Fund is a scurrilous organisation and as supportive of Israel as Fatah's Abbas. Standing alongside the liberal American Jewish donors who fund the NIF is a fund under Palestinian control - the Secretariat, founded by the NDC - and headquartered in Ramallah.  
NIF organizations, including Breaking the Silence and B’Tselem received special funding from the Secretariat in order to investigate so called violations of human rights by Israelis (although they are totally disinterested in the criminal behavior of Hamas) during Operation Protective Edge, 2014. Adalah, another NIF funded organization created a report on Operation Protective Edge and sent the report’s findings directly to the United Nations commission  - and we all know who controls this biased, odious crew! One cannot be pro-Israel and cooperate with the United Nations; which is as bent as a Uri Geller spoon and a malignant, malinger of Israel. The Secretariat also funds Palestinian organizations that support the prosecution of IDF officers, as well as other organizations that cooperate with the likes of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. These are the financial partners of the New Israel Fund; a lost tribe of liberal, self hating, sanctimonious American Jews. A kapo mentality masquerading as supporters of Israel.
Pre the founding of the State of Israel in 1948, Jews who were major fraternisers with the enemy and much too cosy with the British Mandate were taken into the Judean desert for a one way meeting with a bullet; dispatched by some of those who would become the Mossad and Shin Bet. Protecting the interests of the Jewish State is their business, and they have never been sqeamish about what it takes to do so. About time the Judean tradition was revived once more. 
Has it ever gone away? A certain Robert Maxwell a.k.a Capt Bob (photo left) even with all his previous excellent work for the cause, it's alleged that Bob got too big for his sea boots. He died around 5th November 1991, aged 68. "Fell off his yacht", it's said, when his body was found in the sea around the Canary Isles. Maxwell was eventually buried in Jerusalem as a hero, which until he had allegedly blotted his copy book big time, he had undoubtedly been.

Sunday, March 15, 2015


The Times of Israel reports that IQP, an Israeli start-up that lets users create apps without any programming knowledge, has teamed up with three Japanese giants Fujitsu, NEC Engineering and KDDI to develop applications for the Internet of Things. The IQP graphical user interface-based platform will allow developers to build apps for a plethora of Internet-connected devices, from refrigerators to washing machines to cars. The apps are built using drag-and-drop actions, and can be easily added to devices to record and upload information about use and customer needs. According to a Gartner report on the growth of the Internet of Things, by 2020 there will be 26 billion objects connected to the Internet, excluding PCs, tablets and smartphones. Due to the typically large investment of both time and money involved in developing and commercializing IoT applications, American and international companies still find it difficult to develop profitable business models around IoT.


Boy, how ma boys will enjoy shaftin' you pair!
Veteran journalist Ed Klein said on Saturday to economist Larry Kudlow on his WABC radio show, that the Obama administration "is up to its eyebrows in efforts to stop" Hillary Clinton from running for the White House. Among the gems include six investigations launched by longtime presidential adviser Valerie Jarrett involving Clinton's years as Secretary of State. "It's their view that if she does become president (like her husband Fly-Open-Bill) she will govern from the left of center and not be a true liberal, and will, therefore, compromise with Republicans like Bill did when he was in office, which will undo a lot of the Obama legacy," Klein gushed on.
Eh? What Barry Obama "legacy"? Oh, the back stabbing of every U.S. allies one, and backing the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood while running the most corrupt administration since Al Capone's Chicago days. And lest we forget the Benghazi Bungle and Bastardize Truth Mission. In the field of economic incompetence, you've got the trillions added in dollar debt; and of course Lerner taking the Fifth to cover her lying ass "legacy"
But wasn't HRC on board with all those dodgy dealings too? If Obama's bag men are out to get Hillary's hiney, it's only because the Illinois Illusionist and arch narcissist could never bare to see both Clintons sloping around the Emperor's former Reich.
Now, Bill...I'm just going to tighten this up a ta...


Photo Credit: Hamas and Asher Schwartz
(Via Jewishpress) The attempt by Hamas to humanize themselves via social media has some what backfired. The majority of tweets to #AskHamas were either pulling their plonker or going a tad gravitas. I think you can still contact Hamas - one of Islam's death cults and Muslim Brotherhood off-spring - at the above.
More a piss take? Start from here.
If a gay Palestinian volunteered to become a suicide bomber, would you allow it, or toss him from a rooftop?
Who answers on your Suicide Prevention Hotline?
If the child you are hiding behind dies, are they rewarded with 72 parents that really love them?
Thousands of Hamas rockets fired at Israel, most missed. Is Allah a Zionist?
More serious? From here.
When can we expect you to change your covenant/charter? (Death&Destruction of Israel)
Why did you murder 30 civilians, including 20 people over the age of 70, at a Passover seder in Netanya in 2002?
Why you doמ’t use the cement from Israel to build houses instead of tunnels?
How many children does it take to build a #terror tunnel into #Israel?
You say you fire rockets at Israel because of the “blockade” of Gaza. If that’s true, why don’t you fire rockets at Egypt too?
Why do you ban Gazans from leaving homes IDF has warned residents those homes would be bombed?
Why were Palestinians celebrating in the streets after the Charlie Hebdo and kosher grocer massacres in Paris?  

Friday, March 13, 2015


Two Israelis who were behind the Fansino app, have won first place at the prestigious smartphone app competition held in Barcelona. Haran Wolfovitz Yaffe and Omri Erez won the 2015 Mobile Premier Awards “Best App of the Year” at Spain’s Mobile World Congress, the largest cross-platform app showcase in the mobile industry and attended by around 70,000 people. The app placed first among 800 other nominees as the contest, which has been described as the Oscars for the mobile world. Yaffe and Erez were chosen out of the 16 finalists who made the cut. In 2010, the Israeli traffic and navigation app, the now internationally-known Waze, was the first place winner of the Mobile Premier Awards and went on to draw millions of users around the world.  


Even among committed Democrats, this should raise major concerns; and among Jews and Israel even more so.  Much is being made of the letter signed by 45 U.S. Senators, all of them Republican, aimed at schooling Iranian leaders in the requirements of the U.S. Constitution. Secretary Kerry said his reaction was “utter disbelief”, conveniently forgetting that Democrats - including Kerry -  have met on many occasions with enemy foreign leaders in defiance of the President of the other party. The Obama administration has told Congress that it won’t submit the nuclear agreement with Iran for Congressional approval, but now Iran's Zarif is saying that it will be submitted to the United Nations, to form the basis of a United Nations Security Council resolution, presumably aimed at lifting UN sanctions on Iran. Enabling the United Nations to consider an agreement or portions of it, while simultaneously threatening to veto legislation that would enable Congress to do the same, seeks to undermine Congress’s appropriate and Constitutional role. Iran's unstated objective is not a bagel franchise, but nuclear weapons; and trying to bypass Congress and putting decisions into the hands of the UN - an assembly of odious, anti-Israel regimes for the most part - should not be regarded even by the Obama faithful, as just some cute political move.
Oh, so you elected lot want a say on what moi, your Emperor,
 has already decided?

Thursday, March 12, 2015


 Iran's Supreme Leader a.k.a. the Prince of Darkness, Ayatollah Khamenei is giving our Westie "negotiators" way too much credit in the Deception & Intelligence Department. The Dark One has had the balls to accuse the six world powers involved in negotiations over Iran's nuclear program of "deception, trickery and backstabbing" in their dealings with Tehran, according that is, to Iranian Mullah Radio. 
The Regime of the Apocalypse obviously has an irony by-pass. For those evil, demonic fuckers to speak about "deception" when their whole Koranic crapology has this at its very core. 
I guess Supreme-o K thought that the love letter he received from some of the U.S. Congress was a very cunning Barry Obama plot. AS IF!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


If you wandered up to the Bitch of Benghazi and whispered the name Trey Gowdy, you'd see Hillary go whiter than Count Dracula after an all night hunt without so much as a maiden's neck pierced. If the GOP are awake they should chop out a few dead wood 2016 contenders from the Republican starting line and make room for this man. Though only a 2011 new face in Washington, Trey Gowdy is the kind of guy who would have made Dennis Hopper look a tad pansy in Blue Velvet. If the GOP really want to win, Trey's your man!
Hi Hillary. A wee word in your ear ma dear...


I said, fire from the kinder garden, Abdul!
“The New Face of War,” is a report that concerns the Islamo-fascist Hamas style of fighting - you know, stuff like strapping on a child as body armor. In last summers set-to with Israel,the report says it threatens to “undermine the effectiveness of conventional militaries, endangers civilians in irregular conflicts and distorts the international legal structure." I note that Mr Putin didn't get over bothered with such legal niceties when dealing with his Chechen problem.
Grozny, after the Ruskies had paid the
 Islamists an extended visit.
“The 2014 Gaza War featured a hybrid non-state force, Hamas, that perhaps uniquely combined four elements: • Acting with reckless disregard for civilian safety, if not deliberately putting them in harm’s way;
Hey, not so tight! I've still got to breath;
well, for a little while anyway...
• Distorting internationally-recognized legal standards to exploit legal protections afforded civilians and the casualties caused by this exploitation; • Portraying its opponent, through an information operations campaign, as legally culpable for what were lawful, defensive responses to aggression; and • Securing advantageous pressure from the international community on its opponent to terminate legitimate defensive military action. American policymakers and military leaders should take heed and act to avert the potentially serious consequences for U.S. national security,” the report warned.
Much loved by yer radical Left, and the totally bewildered; what a degenerate bunch of fuckers Islamist Hamas are!


Israeli provider of sub-6 GHz broadband wireless solutions RADWIN announced the completion of the onboard Wi-Fi deployment for the Moscow Metro. RADWIN‘s FiberinMotion train-to-ground solution was chosen by MaximaTelecom – the system integrator and service provider – to deliver high-speed Wi-Fi services onboard Moscow Metro. The world’s busiest by daily ridership, Moscow Metro serves over 9 million passengers daily. The Wi-Fi services are provided onboard 650 trains and 5000 cars along 400 miles of tracks. RADWIN’s train-to-ground solution delivers 90 Mbps per each train. Boris Volpe, CEO, MaximaTelecom, said “We chose RADWIN’s train-to-ground solution because it delivers the optimal combination of high capacity and extensive coverage, significantly reducing the amount of infrastructure required in the tunnels. This ambitious project was completed in just 14 months. Today Moscow Metro passengers download over 45 Terabytes per day, with aggregated capacity continuously on the rise.”

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


Remember when we said it wasn't a terrorist attack?
And the carrot crunchers, liberal media
and all the nodding dogs actually believed us!
Remember all the Barry Obama and Bitch of Benghazi tripe talk about that video?  Hillary 'what does it matter' Clinton - with her private email account, which she railed against others having - could actually win the 2016 election and be the next president of the USA. Think a mo about the consequences of that! And there are enough political simpletons and village idiots out there to make it happen. Meanwhile, the latest is that Benghazi is now completely under Islamic State control! Abdelhakim Belhadj, the head of a faction that at one time received U.S. support in the effort to overthrow Mad Dog Gaddafi, is now reported to be the head of IS in Libya. The group is now using Libya as safe haven away from its main area of operation in Syria and western Iraq. This comes at the same time that Boko Haram, the barbaric group best known for doing what Islam has always done best (it's OK, it's in the Koran) kidnapping women and girls in sub-Saharan Africa to become “brides” or sold as slaves, has now sworn their allegiance to Islamic State. Boko Haram’s open embrace of IS is a critical event; for it widens the death cult's franchise and thus encourages every Islamist band of psychos to join the party. 
There are still zillions of western folk too busy with tweetin' an' txtin' banality, to wonder what's under the bed; and it will come as rather a shock when Islam's night creature crawls out to destroy their tooth fairy world.

Monday, March 9, 2015


Adolf adulation in Austria.
That Hitler was Austrian shouldn't be a surprise; and there are still very many Austrians who hanker after the good old days and a very strict master who'd administer a dam good whipping on their lederhosen botties. 
Gustav Klimt's murals, The Beethoven Frieze will not be returned to the family of the original Jewish owners, an Austrian panel has decided. The paintings were looted by the Nazis from the family of the Jewish industrialist August Lederer. 
The Beethoven Frieze.
They were returned after WII to the decedents but as the members had emigrated to Switzerland they were unable to transport the works, as the Austrian government, had conveniently, placed an export ban on the masterpiece. The heirs argued this forced Lederer's son Erich to sell the work for next to nothing. The decision against returning the masterpiece was announced on Friday by Clemens Jabloner, head of the Austrian Art Restitution & Day-Light- Robbery Advisory Board, said - without as much as a heel click, Heil the Fuhrer or smirk, "It is not the case that the export procedure was used as a tool to force Lederer into an agreement." 
If you believe that, you'll probably believe that Hitler didn't shag his niece, who then went on to take her own life. 


Obama loves the Jews! He loves them so much he just appointed a leading detester of Israel, Robert Malley, to lead the Middle East desk at the White House. Malley will serve Israel up on a plate while in his executioner role; a.k.a. special assistant to the Charlatan-in-Chief on the National Security Council. In the past, Malley has argued that Islamo-fascist Hamas - offspring of Obama's fav Islamist entity, the Muslim Brotherhood - should be included in peace negotiations with the Palestinians and Israel. Malley has gone so far as to meet with the Hamas leadership (though the U.S. has Hamas designated as a terrorist organisation)! Malley also presented a counter-narrative of the failure of the 2001 peace talks at Camp David; one in which Israel was to blame for the breakdown of the talks. That characterization was widely dismissed by those present at the talks. There are three major policies which Obama has relentlessly pursued:  
(1) Fuck Israel at every opportunity.
(2) De-fang America's military power and hence it's global influence.
(3) Leave the U.S.A. trillions of dollars more in debt by the time he's out of office.
Years ago, a man such as Obama, would have been put against a brick wall wearing a blindfold for their fifth-column, treacherous ways!

Friday, March 6, 2015


The U.S. and other western Intel agencies are all desperately trying to build a profile of a potential mug from their respective nations, who wants or is about to travel to fight for Islamic State. Well for starters, anyone who's recently converted to Islam is a good bet. But surely the real interest in these cretins should not be stopping them going East, but in not letting any of the surviving psychos return! Obama must have a handy slush fund which could pay for one way tickets; and if the military would really up their engagement with Islam's Crew of the Demonic, the newly recruited boys and gals for Mohammad might have the same life expectancy similar to those poor WW1 cannon fodder trenchies: i.e. about six weeks. When a retired U.S. general was asked by some dim witted CNN anchor how to defeat IS, the general answered,"kill more, faster." Sounded spot on to me!
I'm Jihad Joe from Baltimore,
Soon be kickin' down your door.