Wednesday, February 11, 2015


“We have other ways of finding money. It could be the United States, it could be Russia, it could be China." So said the new Greek defence minister. The financially maxed out Zorbas, not content with going belly up and blaming the Germans for their self inflicted dire straits, went to plan "B" for a solution. They voted into power a gang of radical Lefty, financial Neanderthals to save their debt laden asses. Which is a bit like inviting Italian Capt. Rip Rock - that ship sinking, ship deserting mariner of Costa Concordia infamy - to captain your next Antarctic cruise. The Greeks are fast becoming the Palestinians of Europe; where everyone's to blame for their predicament but their own irresponsible, lazy arsed selves. If I wasn't against swearing, I'd tell the Med Club bleaters to fuck off and learn the art of financial accountability!


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