Monday, February 16, 2015


Jewish communities in the UK and US have much in common. Both find it almost impossible to recognise anything of danger to them, especially if that something or somebody is given the seal of approval by the likes of The Guardian (UK) or the New York Times. The English Defence League and Britain First  have been demonised - as has their German counterpart - by every liberal news outlet, and  given the same media treatment as if they were Nazis (it's the BNP, British National Party which are the Nazis). 
I think Sharia Law would be simply spiffing for us Brits.
Signed, Dumbo Dave
Britain First might not smell like a bunch of roses, but surely it's legitimate to want UK folk educated enough in order to stop the slow slide to Islamification, which the UK Labor, Liberal and Conservative Party under PM Cameron, are hell bent in facilitating! Britain First and the English Defence League have approach the so called Jewish leadership in the UK about forming an alliance against the common enemy of western civilization, a.k.a. ISLAM, but they have totally rejected any contact with both. It's true that some Jews in the US have not been taken in by the likes of Barry-I've-got-your-back-Obama; and some in the UK have actually dipped a cautious toe into Britain First, however the vast majority of  liberal Jews still don't "get it". 
If Israel understands the word "expedience" and puts it into practice when it's to their strategic advantage to do so, it's surely well past time for Jews in the Diaspora to understand this and act accordingly.    


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