Tuesday, February 3, 2015


Two American defense contractors were targeted by gunfire last Friday in Saudi Arabia, according to their employer, Vinnell Arabia, a firm which provides training for the Saudi National Guard. It’s the second time in recent months the contractor’s workers have been targeted, according to the AFP news agency. Some Saudi folk don't like infidels? What's new. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia is in transition at the present time; from 7th century...well, to the 7th century.  A new monarch steps forth, King Salman, who's taking over form his late half-brother, King Abdullah, who died a week ago. Salman is a known hard liner, backer of Terror Inc. hates the West and the very idea of democracy turns his camel milk sour. On the up side, Salman should pop his camel clogs pretty soon, inasmuch as he's 79 and is far from ready for a 100 meter sprint in the mid day Saudi sun. In fact, in anticipation of his one way ticket to Allah-ville, Salman has already named his youngest half-brother Muqrin as Crown Prince to take over from him; as advised by Abdullah the Dead. An inbred monarchy is just what a forward looking nation needs!

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