Saturday, February 14, 2015


One of the many Islam's Alternative Universe sites, so called truthdig, has been squawking - along with Barry Obama of course - about the three Muslim students gunned down by a white guy in NC, U.S.A. Not that this is a lesser crime, but truthdig - like every Islamist apologist site I've ever visited - totally ignore anything to do with Islam's daily murder machines and it's ongoing war against the innocent and the West. 
That Turkey's Islamist Prime Minister a.k.a. the Toad of Turkey, has the friggin' cheek to wade into the waters is rich indeed; given that his country is still in denial about their 1.5 million genocide of non Muslim Armenians (1915-17). The West most certainly are no angels, but weighed against the totally intolerant Monsters of Mohammad, we don't smell too badly!

Go to who collate articles
published in the world media re Islamist/Jihad activities.


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