Tuesday, February 17, 2015


According to some jurno, the Danish synagogue attack is decribed as a ‘wake up call’. While the Jewish community has for years been lobbying for greater security, the Danish government hasn’t been forthcoming. Well, given the Danes are behaving like whose with a death wish for their own demise at the hands of the Allahu Akbar contingent, is it really such a surprise? And anyway, how many friggin'  'wake up calls' does it take before European Jews figure out that Europe has always been a graveyard for them? If you don't get your asses out of Europe soon, don't start bleating and wah-wahing away like some Palestinian when things really go pear shaped!

Monday, February 16, 2015


Jewish communities in the UK and US have much in common. Both find it almost impossible to recognise anything of danger to them, especially if that something or somebody is given the seal of approval by the likes of The Guardian (UK) or the New York Times. The English Defence League and Britain First  have been demonised - as has their German counterpart - by every liberal news outlet, and  given the same media treatment as if they were Nazis (it's the BNP, British National Party which are the Nazis). 
I think Sharia Law would be simply spiffing for us Brits.
Signed, Dumbo Dave
Britain First might not smell like a bunch of roses, but surely it's legitimate to want UK folk educated enough in order to stop the slow slide to Islamification, which the UK Labor, Liberal and Conservative Party under PM Cameron, are hell bent in facilitating! Britain First and the English Defence League have approach the so called Jewish leadership in the UK about forming an alliance against the common enemy of western civilization, a.k.a. ISLAM, but they have totally rejected any contact with both. It's true that some Jews in the US have not been taken in by the likes of Barry-I've-got-your-back-Obama; and some in the UK have actually dipped a cautious toe into Britain First, however the vast majority of  liberal Jews still don't "get it". 
If Israel understands the word "expedience" and puts it into practice when it's to their strategic advantage to do so, it's surely well past time for Jews in the Diaspora to understand this and act accordingly.    


Saturday, February 14, 2015


One of the many Islam's Alternative Universe sites, so called truthdig, has been squawking - along with Barry Obama of course - about the three Muslim students gunned down by a white guy in NC, U.S.A. Not that this is a lesser crime, but truthdig - like every Islamist apologist site I've ever visited - totally ignore anything to do with Islam's daily murder machines and it's ongoing war against the innocent and the West. 
That Turkey's Islamist Prime Minister a.k.a. the Toad of Turkey, has the friggin' cheek to wade into the waters is rich indeed; given that his country is still in denial about their 1.5 million genocide of non Muslim Armenians (1915-17). The West most certainly are no angels, but weighed against the totally intolerant Monsters of Mohammad, we don't smell too badly!

Go to www.thereligionofpeace.com who collate articles
published in the world media re Islamist/Jihad activities.


Friday, February 13, 2015


Over the last few decades, Sweden has become a world center of racist and anti-Semitic White Power music, with several anti-Semitic groups having established Swedish websites spreading their neo-Nazi propaganda. And not to be left behind, the Swedish Church has just recently initiated a boycott campaign [against Israel], a reminder of the commercial boycott of Jews in various societies in the past. So the once proud home of ABBA and porn is now an Islamist haven; and every left of center Swedish government - in that loopy, liberal, mindset way of theirs - has allowed the mad an' bad to run the asylum, all in the name of PC and fairness of course. 
The radical lunatics of extreme Right/Left and the plague of Islam are the society in waiting. The Swedes, having voted and participated in their countries decent into doomsville, will deserve to burn in the bonfire of their own making.


Fresh from them thar golfin' greens, Barry Obama couldn't praise the late Ms Mueller  more effusively, then continued the fantasy by saying she was,“the best of America.” Oh, really? Turns out the 26-year-old Islamic State hostage killed last week in Syria wasn’t many of the things her supporters described her as. In fact, Kayla’s passionate compassion was very highly selective. For Mueller was an Islamic terrorist sympathizer who worked for the International Solidarity Movement (ISM); which is as much a humanitarian organization as the KKK is a black benefit org. The ISM is a terrorist-linked outfit that continually attempts to sabotage the anti-terrorism activities of Israel; backs the enemies of the Jewish State, including Islamo-fascist Hamas and those in the Palestinian Authority who seek to destroy Israel. Obviously, for the psychos of Islamic State, Ms Mueller's pro-Islam credentials fell more than a ta short of what the Messenger for Muslims had in mind ... 

Thursday, February 12, 2015


Acknowledging it was "an enormously difficult story" to report,(well any truthful story must be a tad difficult for them) "NBC Nightly News" aired a segment in its broadcast about the six-month suspension of anchor, Brian "Pinocchio" Williams. NBC pledged through clenched teeth to make itself worthy of viewers' trust. 
They could start by announcing that everyone - including NBC - had known for months about Williams' self delusions.
My suggestions to clean up the NBC act would include the following:
(1) Polygraph all staff weekly.
(2) Staff telling porky-pies, thus failing test will have their forehead branded - Roman style - with: I'm A Lying Bastard.
(3) Forbid staff from watching any more than two minutes of Barry Obama in any one financial year.
(4) Oh, just close the friggin' station down permanently. There are already too many media fantasy factories as is. 


The Islamist wife and accomplice of the barbaric, now dead murderer of the four Jewish shoppers at a kosher market in Paris - you know, Obama's "random" event as he and his trolls put it - has been interviewed in a magazine published by Islamic States's PR Dept of Death, Destruction & Doom. 
Meanwhile, it must be a historic first when the Commander-in-Chief won't allowed himself or any of his nodding dogs to name the enemy by name; a.k.a. Muslim terrorists! It's just a vague "terrorists" and they're somewhere in the Middle East where it's sandy and usually very hot. If Barry was playing Charades, no one would ever get it. But he's no slacker when it comes to telegraphing to the "terrorists" what his master plan is going to be. For Obama has never understood that if you tell the enemy what you are doing - and in his case, not going to do - it gives them something called a very helpful heads-up. The Yank military and Intel agencies must be streaming steam from every orifice.