Thursday, July 9, 2015


'Boycotts are the noblest forms of resistance'.
So spouts the Gulf states news sheet; ignoring of course that they are global terror sponsoring hypocrites. That they're pointing their camel whip at Israel is a given; but as it's in the madras's of 7th century thinking which is responsible for unleashing Islam's warped virus of death-to-the-infidel around the world, isn't it rich in irony that these goat herders bang on about "boycotts"? Over the past 60 years, the only two things the Arabs have exported in any quantity is oodles of oil and terror. If you never had any reason to Go Green before, perhaps you've got one now.
Once I had an oil well, a wife or two,
Now brother can you spare a goat.
(Apologies to lyric writer E. Y. "Yip" Harburg and composer Jay Gorney)

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