Monday, March 31, 2014


Just when you think the Arabs can't get any more loopy, columnist Ahmad al-Gamal of Egypt’s Al-Yawm Al-Sabi daily proposes that Egypt sue Israel. Why? al-Gamal - quoting from the Hebrew Bible - asserts that Israel should repay Egypt for the harm caused by the plagues, as well as the theft of precious commodities used to build the Hebrews' Tabernacle in the desert. He claims the Bible’s collective punishment of the Egyptian people was uncalled for, as it was Pharaoh himself alone who was responsible for the suffering of the Israelites. 
Memo to Al-Gamal: You Arabs didn't arrive in the land of Egypt until the 7th century...about 2000 years after Pharaoh's spot of bovver with frogs an' boils!

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