Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Bill Clinton blasts Obama's latest idea. And what is that? Wanting to hand over the control of the Internet to an International Body. So what's so wrong with this? Let's see: Turkey, North Korea, Cuba, Russia, China, Iran and any Muslim country you care to mention. Just when you think the Surrender-in-Chief can't come up with any more dumb stuff...

Meanwhile, the psycho proxy of Iran, aka Hezbollah, have been busy with their chemistry set they got for Christmas and their hard work is coming to a pharmacy near you.  A new study from the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism has found that Iran's terror group Hezbollah is “ involved in manufacturing and distributing counterfeit medications.” Institute director Boaz Ganor says that “Hezbollah is liable to use its production centers, international smuggling and distribution networks, and ties to international crime syndicates to insert deadly fake drugs into the pharmaceuticals market.”

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