Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Egypt’s Torturer-in-Chief Headed To Washington!
Give my man Morsi a wee prez ...oh, some F-16's would be kinda nice!
Three years ago in the spring, Barack Hussein Obama came to the Middle East offering a new beginning. With that new beginning no longer would the United States support Arab dictatorships for the sake of its own interests. Obama, who gave Mubarak the boot one year ago, has had nothing to say about the gangs of paid rapists or the Muslim Brotherhood’s torture chambers. But somewhere in between the golfing sessions and the aimless celebrity shindigs, the New Beginner has discovered that there are some dictators that he IS willing to tolerate for the sake of the nameless interests that he holds dear. Every politician has his price and his pet tyrants. Morsi, like Erdogan and Jebali, is Obama’s pet tyrant. The fact that more than 200,000 Egyptians massed in the Square to protest the new draft constitution that essentially imposes Sharia Law, turning women and non-Islamic minorities into de facto second-class citizens, concerns Obama not one jot!  Indeed, the Muslim Brotherhood regime, voted into power on an anti-US and anti-Israel platform, is about to receive 20 F-16 fighters jets despite calls to suspend arms sales to Cairo!
(Photo: Copyright Control)

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