Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Science Fiction, Now Fact!
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
Boeing has successful tested an electro-magnetic pulse (EMP) missile that turns "science fiction into science fact" and could be the doomsday weapon against Iran, but media have largely ignored the development. The U.S. Air Force and Boeing demonstrated the device more than two months ago over a military site in the Utah desert.
The test was codenamed CHAMP -- Counter-Electronics High Power Advanced Missile Project and was the first time a real EMP missile has been tested with positive real world results.
An example of the area that could be effected by a EMP.
One of the most startling developments in the research and test is that the missile system does not use any explosives, thereby limiting damage to its intended goal of directing microwave energy that can cause instant blackouts.
Keith Coleman, who serves as Boeing"s CHAMP program manager in their Phantom Works division, stated that video camera showed "images of numerous desktop computers running, and then suddenly all of them go out quickly followed by the camera going to black," VR-Zone reported. "We hit every target we wanted to...  Today we made science fiction, science fact," said Coleman.

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