Thursday, July 9, 2015


Hi there Westies. Anyone  know a good dentist?
According to reports, Islamic State psychos have crucified dozens of Syrian men and boys for having a few nibbles before the Ramadan fast ended. Eyewitnesses told the Syrian ARA News, “Those who break Ramadan are being crucified on electricity poles in Deir ez-Zor,” in eastern Syria. “The roads are filled with crucified men who violated the group’s strict regulations during Ramadan. There are dozens of victims who remain hanged on electricity poles across the province,” they said. One thing that can be said about Mohammed's religion of peace; when it comes 7th century barbarism, the Death Cult of Islam are tops.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


'The topsy-turvy idea was that the non-Muslim majority should apologise to those from whose ranks terrorism was coming. There was even a semi-successful attempt by the Muslim Council of Britain to ban the phrase “Islamic terrorism” from the media.' Charles Moore
There are a few like Moore who recognise the danger and refuse to behave like whatever-happened-to-the-Viking Swedes; now reduced to a rag-tag assortment of Lib/Lefties who are busy PC-ing there way to oblivion. I blame the likes of the BBC, CNN and the insufferable New York Times for facilitating the surrender to Caliphate Islam. That their appeaser throats would be sliced like any other infidels seems to be lost on the Chamberlains! 


Government To Release Britain’s UFO ‘X-Files’ – 
which could prove aliens exist.
Well, given the mind numbing number of star systems and galaxies in the known universe, it would be totally arrogant and narcissism extremeo to think that we humans are alone! Whither they've been here is still open to conjecture; but who'd want to associate with a planet full of loonies?

Friday, April 10, 2015


It’s only been a week since Pebble began its new crowd-funding campaign for the second-generation of its smartwatches, ‘Pebble Time’ and the company has already raised a colossal $12 million dollars—an amount that is expected to skyrocket following today’s announcement of a sleeker version of the watch ‘Pebble Time Steel.’With the tremendous success of Pebble’s Kickstarter campaign in an emerging and increasingly competitive gadget market, it can now be revealed that the chief designers of the smartwatch to end all smartwatches are Israelis Itai Vonshak and Liron Damir. Today, the company announced the release of ‘Pebble Time Steel,’ a more professional-looking, stainless steel and slightly heavier version of Pebble’s standard smartwatch, that will be offered in silver, black and gold. The watch will cost backers $250 (the retail price will be $299), and those who have already backed the Kickstarter campaign for ‘Pebble Time’ will be able to change their order to the ‘Steel,’ without losing their place in line.

Thursday, April 9, 2015


Humans need to communicate with each other in order to get things done – at work and at home. But so do the cells inside our bodies, which transmit messages from their outer walls to their inner nucleus. These messages prompt them to take immediate action. Now, it turns out that if cancerous cells don’t receive certain messages, the spread of cancer throughout the body can be halted. How? Israeli researchers have come up with a method of shutting off the overflow of information that creates cancerous mutations. The average living cell must transmit a constant stream of messages quickly and efficiently from its outer walls to the inner nucleus, where most of the day-to-day “decisions” are made. But this rapid, long-distance communication system leaves itself open to mutations that can give rise to a “spam attack” that promotes cancer. Weizmann Institute scientists have identified a potential drug molecule that stops only cancerous cells (not healthy ones) from getting their “mail.” (via NoCamels)


No Westie infidels will be poking their noses
into our pitta bakery.
The Iranian defense minister made clear on Wednesday that international inspectors would not be granted access to the state’s military sites under the framework agreement with the world powers.(  
Phew. Boy, was I beginning to worry it might be something really friggin' serious. The more that's revealed about this Dud, Dumb Deal the more it should be obvious that it has as much chance of flying as a Trex. Just burn this Obama promoted Chamberlain-esque piece of poo and give Mullah-ville's treacherous Islamist bastards a taste of the Yank mega bunker-busters on their nuke facilities. It will have to come to that anyway, as the Land of the Ayatollah will never give up; and you'd better believe they have to be stopped!