Thursday, April 9, 2015


No Westie infidels will be poking their noses
into our pitta bakery.
The Iranian defense minister made clear on Wednesday that international inspectors would not be granted access to the state’s military sites under the framework agreement with the world powers.(  
Phew. Boy, was I beginning to worry it might be something really friggin' serious. The more that's revealed about this Dud, Dumb Deal the more it should be obvious that it has as much chance of flying as a Trex. Just burn this Obama promoted Chamberlain-esque piece of poo and give Mullah-ville's treacherous Islamist bastards a taste of the Yank mega bunker-busters on their nuke facilities. It will have to come to that anyway, as the Land of the Ayatollah will never give up; and you'd better believe they have to be stopped! 

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