Tuesday, March 10, 2015


Remember when we said it wasn't a terrorist attack?
And the carrot crunchers, liberal media
and all the nodding dogs actually believed us!
Remember all the Barry Obama and Bitch of Benghazi tripe talk about that video?  Hillary 'what does it matter' Clinton - with her private email account, which she railed against others having - could actually win the 2016 election and be the next president of the USA. Think a mo about the consequences of that! And there are enough political simpletons and village idiots out there to make it happen. Meanwhile, the latest is that Benghazi is now completely under Islamic State control! Abdelhakim Belhadj, the head of a faction that at one time received U.S. support in the effort to overthrow Mad Dog Gaddafi, is now reported to be the head of IS in Libya. The group is now using Libya as safe haven away from its main area of operation in Syria and western Iraq. This comes at the same time that Boko Haram, the barbaric group best known for doing what Islam has always done best (it's OK, it's in the Koran) kidnapping women and girls in sub-Saharan Africa to become “brides” or sold as slaves, has now sworn their allegiance to Islamic State. Boko Haram’s open embrace of IS is a critical event; for it widens the death cult's franchise and thus encourages every Islamist band of psychos to join the party. 
There are still zillions of western folk too busy with tweetin' an' txtin' banality, to wonder what's under the bed; and it will come as rather a shock when Islam's night creature crawls out to destroy their tooth fairy world.

Monday, March 9, 2015


Adolf adulation in Austria.
That Hitler was Austrian shouldn't be a surprise; and there are still very many Austrians who hanker after the good old days and a very strict master who'd administer a dam good whipping on their lederhosen botties. 
Gustav Klimt's murals, The Beethoven Frieze will not be returned to the family of the original Jewish owners, an Austrian panel has decided. The paintings were looted by the Nazis from the family of the Jewish industrialist August Lederer. 
The Beethoven Frieze.
They were returned after WII to the decedents but as the members had emigrated to Switzerland they were unable to transport the works, as the Austrian government, had conveniently, placed an export ban on the masterpiece. The heirs argued this forced Lederer's son Erich to sell the work for next to nothing. The decision against returning the masterpiece was announced on Friday by Clemens Jabloner, head of the Austrian Art Restitution & Day-Light- Robbery Advisory Board, said - without as much as a heel click, Heil the Fuhrer or smirk, "It is not the case that the export procedure was used as a tool to force Lederer into an agreement." 
If you believe that, you'll probably believe that Hitler didn't shag his niece, who then went on to take her own life. 


Obama loves the Jews! He loves them so much he just appointed a leading detester of Israel, Robert Malley, to lead the Middle East desk at the White House. Malley will serve Israel up on a plate while in his executioner role; a.k.a. special assistant to the Charlatan-in-Chief on the National Security Council. In the past, Malley has argued that Islamo-fascist Hamas - offspring of Obama's fav Islamist entity, the Muslim Brotherhood - should be included in peace negotiations with the Palestinians and Israel. Malley has gone so far as to meet with the Hamas leadership (though the U.S. has Hamas designated as a terrorist organisation)! Malley also presented a counter-narrative of the failure of the 2001 peace talks at Camp David; one in which Israel was to blame for the breakdown of the talks. That characterization was widely dismissed by those present at the talks. There are three major policies which Obama has relentlessly pursued:  
(1) Fuck Israel at every opportunity.
(2) De-fang America's military power and hence it's global influence.
(3) Leave the U.S.A. trillions of dollars more in debt by the time he's out of office.
Years ago, a man such as Obama, would have been put against a brick wall wearing a blindfold for their fifth-column, treacherous ways!

Friday, March 6, 2015


The U.S. and other western Intel agencies are all desperately trying to build a profile of a potential mug from their respective nations, who wants or is about to travel to fight for Islamic State. Well for starters, anyone who's recently converted to Islam is a good bet. But surely the real interest in these cretins should not be stopping them going East, but in not letting any of the surviving psychos return! Obama must have a handy slush fund which could pay for one way tickets; and if the military would really up their engagement with Islam's Crew of the Demonic, the newly recruited boys and gals for Mohammad might have the same life expectancy similar to those poor WW1 cannon fodder trenchies: i.e. about six weeks. When a retired U.S. general was asked by some dim witted CNN anchor how to defeat IS, the general answered,"kill more, faster." Sounded spot on to me!
I'm Jihad Joe from Baltimore,
Soon be kickin' down your door.


(Ynetnews) With the global commercial space economy in 2013 estimated by the OECD to be more than $250 billion, Israel is after a slice of the pie. Using the expertise of a defence industry that created technology such as the "Iron Dome" missile interceptor, Israel plans to move beyond its current focus on spy and military communications satellites into producing civilian devices, some small enough to fit in your hand. One project, Adelis-SAMSON, is designing three miniature, or nano, satellites for the first controlled formation flight in space. On a low-friction tabletop at the Technion institute in Israel's port city of Haifa, the navigation system is being tested in a cluster of round robots, the size of dinner plates, that weave in and out of formation like autonomous air hockey pucks. The launch is scheduled next year. While in orbit, digital receivers developed by a co-creator of the Iron Dome system will locate distress signals on earth, with the three satellites using triangulation to achieve pinpoint accuracy. "We call it maximising performance per kilo," said project head Pini Gurfil.

Thursday, March 5, 2015


Any one of you bearded
bastards betting on when I  pop off,
 their name will
be added to the list in
my wee Red Book; and a very slow,
painful death will be your winnings.
While the Grand Wazoo Obama opens the gates to hell, Islam's Prince of Darkness has stage 4 cancer; and it couldn't be happening to a nicer chap. So who from the snake pit will succeed nuke wannabe Khamenei at the top spot of the Islamic Republic's dug heap? On August 21, the chairman of the Council of Experts Ayatollah Reza Mahdavi-Kani passed away at the age of 83. In the council there are 86 members that are chosen every eight years, and they choose the supreme leader. For now, the temporary head of the Council of Experts - experts in fuck knows what except death and genocidal ambitions - is Ayatollah Hashsemi Shahroudi. He's considered a "moderate" which in Shite speak, he'll not have your children tortured in front of you; a very common practice used by this degenerate Islamist regime to extract information from parents. Close to Khamenei, he was at the head of what's jokingly know by the locals as the Iranian Justice System. For ten years, from 1999 to 2009 he was one of the heads of the Shite's religion, which allowed him to issue fatwas. 
Meanwhile, at the Bibi speech, the back-turning Nancy Pelosi showed once more just what a special kind of stupid, ignorant cow she is. One that can drive otherwise sane folk to purchase voodoo dolls and a goodly supply of pins. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Faisal J. Abbas is the Editor-in-Chief of Al Arabiya English, who has covered the Middle East extensively working for Future Television of Lebanon and both Al-Hayat and Asharq Al-Awsat pan-Arab dailies. His column, calling on President Obama to pay attention to Netanyahu’s warnings, was published Tuesday.
Abbas opens by declaring that he is far from being a Netanyahu fan, nevertheless, “one must admit, Bibi did get it right, at least when it came to dealing with Iran.”  Abbas notes: “In just a few words, Mr. Netanyahu managed to accurately summarize a clear and present danger, not just to Israel (which obviously is his concern), but to other U.S. allies in the region. “What is absurd, however, is that despite this being perhaps the only thing that brings together Arabs and Israelis (as it threatens them all), the only stakeholder that seems not to realize the danger of the situation is President Obama.” Abbas confirms Netanyahu’s assertion that “the real Iranian threat is not JUST (caps in the original) the regime’s nuclear ambitions, but its expansionist approach and state-sponsored terrorism activities which are still ongoing.” Abbas cites a recent column by Diana Moukalled, Web Editor at Future Television, describing how the Islamic Republic has been touting the terrorist activities of its national hero, General Qassim Soleimani, commander of the Quds Force. Moukalled writes: “Soleimani is no longer that secretive personality whose role over the past two decades has lingered been between myth and reality. He is now telling us bluntly: Yes, I am Iran’s strongman who is responsible for the Iranian military’s expansion in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen and Palestine.”
Abbas notes that “not only is Iran responsible for sponsoring Shiite terrorist groups, but Sunni ones too. In fact, according to the U.S.’s own State Department, Tehran was home to a number of Al-Qaeda facilitators and high ranking financiers. These accusations are also backed by findings of the U.S. Treasury Department as well.”