Friday, February 13, 2015


Fresh from them thar golfin' greens, Barry Obama couldn't praise the late Ms Mueller  more effusively, then continued the fantasy by saying she was,“the best of America.” Oh, really? Turns out the 26-year-old Islamic State hostage killed last week in Syria wasn’t many of the things her supporters described her as. In fact, Kayla’s passionate compassion was very highly selective. For Mueller was an Islamic terrorist sympathizer who worked for the International Solidarity Movement (ISM); which is as much a humanitarian organization as the KKK is a black benefit org. The ISM is a terrorist-linked outfit that continually attempts to sabotage the anti-terrorism activities of Israel; backs the enemies of the Jewish State, including Islamo-fascist Hamas and those in the Palestinian Authority who seek to destroy Israel. Obviously, for the psychos of Islamic State, Ms Mueller's pro-Islam credentials fell more than a ta short of what the Messenger for Muslims had in mind ... 

Thursday, February 12, 2015


Acknowledging it was "an enormously difficult story" to report,(well any truthful story must be a tad difficult for them) "NBC Nightly News" aired a segment in its broadcast about the six-month suspension of anchor, Brian "Pinocchio" Williams. NBC pledged through clenched teeth to make itself worthy of viewers' trust. 
They could start by announcing that everyone - including NBC - had known for months about Williams' self delusions.
My suggestions to clean up the NBC act would include the following:
(1) Polygraph all staff weekly.
(2) Staff telling porky-pies, thus failing test will have their forehead branded - Roman style - with: I'm A Lying Bastard.
(3) Forbid staff from watching any more than two minutes of Barry Obama in any one financial year.
(4) Oh, just close the friggin' station down permanently. There are already too many media fantasy factories as is. 


The Islamist wife and accomplice of the barbaric, now dead murderer of the four Jewish shoppers at a kosher market in Paris - you know, Obama's "random" event as he and his trolls put it - has been interviewed in a magazine published by Islamic States's PR Dept of Death, Destruction & Doom. 
Meanwhile, it must be a historic first when the Commander-in-Chief won't allowed himself or any of his nodding dogs to name the enemy by name; a.k.a. Muslim terrorists! It's just a vague "terrorists" and they're somewhere in the Middle East where it's sandy and usually very hot. If Barry was playing Charades, no one would ever get it. But he's no slacker when it comes to telegraphing to the "terrorists" what his master plan is going to be. For Obama has never understood that if you tell the enemy what you are doing - and in his case, not going to do - it gives them something called a very helpful heads-up. The Yank military and Intel agencies must be streaming steam from every orifice. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


“We have other ways of finding money. It could be the United States, it could be Russia, it could be China." So said the new Greek defence minister. The financially maxed out Zorbas, not content with going belly up and blaming the Germans for their self inflicted dire straits, went to plan "B" for a solution. They voted into power a gang of radical Lefty, financial Neanderthals to save their debt laden asses. Which is a bit like inviting Italian Capt. Rip Rock - that ship sinking, ship deserting mariner of Costa Concordia infamy - to captain your next Antarctic cruise. The Greeks are fast becoming the Palestinians of Europe; where everyone's to blame for their predicament but their own irresponsible, lazy arsed selves. If I wasn't against swearing, I'd tell the Med Club bleaters to fuck off and learn the art of financial accountability!



Turkey. Under the present democratically elected leader, still yearn to be another Islamist, Sharia Law State. Hater of Israel, big pal of Hamas and all things dark. But yesterday at Turkey's border there was a bit of a hiccup; for the Turks went and detained 14 would be Muslim neck slashing heroes of Islam who wanted to cross over in order to join the Caliphate Crew in Syria. Turkey (circa 1915-17) were responsible for the genocide of 1.5 million non Muslim Armenians and the Turk mentality has shown little change. Indeed, given Turkey's bloody history, they make Islamic State look rank amateurs. And Turkey's in NATO... what a stroke of friggin' genius that one!


In the Fatherland, a German judge ruled that the perpetrators who were arrested for fire bombing the Wuppertal Synagogue, were just engaged in "an act of protest". By his reckoning, Kristallnacht was only Hitler's Ruff Boys having had a few too many beers playing with matches. Should this fuckin' judge ever be given a good torching - it would after all - only be "an act of protest"...

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Obama and the family of US aid worker Kayla Mueller confirmed on Tuesday that the last known American hostage held by Islamic State psychos had been murdered. Obama promising to “find and bring to justice the terrorists who are responsible,” means he's mouthed yet another empty platitude. Obama's history of broken red lines and doing fuck all except appease the enemies of Western democracies is legendary. Just over six years ago, Newt Gingrich warned American voters that Obama, if elected, would prove to be the most dangerous President that the U.S. would ever have in office. 
Roll the tape, Mr Gingrich