Wednesday, December 10, 2014


The CIA's "enhanced interrogation" of Islam's death cult, predictably makes the Park Slope-ers of Brooklyn, NY and their ilk elsewhere in Dems Den, U.S. of A  pin on their moral high ground badges and recoil in horror. They all love their middle class comfy sofas and the good life; but the dark details which contribute to keeping their status quo and asses safer are not at all welcome. You see, they and the liberal media they imbibe, actually believe that all nice folk (like them, of course) all they have to do is be nice to everyone, and hey presto, those who want to toast you and your country, will soon be dancing cheek to cheek with you. A lesson from history: To defeat real evil, you sometimes have to do things that are not in tune with the norms and values that is expected from a democratic nation. To think and believe otherwise shows that you're still a political child residing in Neverland with Peter.  

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


 Max Blumenthal:
One very, arrogant,  fucked up
self hatin' Jew. 
After years of sidling up to the line, the New York Times has finally gone pedal to the metal with the full-on anti-semitic op-ed by that arch racist Israel-hater Max Blumenthal. The op-ed reiterates Blumenthal's idee fixe - that Israel is an inherently racist and evil state that has no right to exist, essentially rejecting the Jewish people's right to self-determination. The self hating capo's magnum opus, "Goliath", is an openly anti-semitic screed whose primary theme is the blood libel; and that Israel is essentially indistinguishable from Nazi Germany. It was attacked even by the many critics of Israel  for being more or less ideologically identical to one of Islam's death cults, the genocidal terrorist group Hamas. The NYT - with it's anti-Israel drip drip by such useful idiots as Roger Cohen and The Moustache - have now gone Full Monty Max under the guise of free speech. (Image: Copyright Control)

Monday, December 8, 2014


As the cable and dish channels joust for audience ratings, there are more and more idiots with EVP meters and other paraphernalia roaming through the dark destinations of long ago doomed prisons, asylums and residential property of North America. Like a measles rash, paranormal groups have sprung up. Vans loaded to the roof, spending their days traveling and nights checking out locations that saner members of the human race avoid like a dose of VD.
(Image: Copyright Control)
So is it all just a load of hokum?
Over the years I have had my own experiences which can't easily be put aside as some psychological trick of the mind.
e.g. the strange case of furniture.
A high chair and first cot from one's early childhood - which you haven't seen since you give them away.
We drive to our new address on moving day, arriving there well before the moving truck company has. Open the front door to an totally empty house, wander about a bit down stairs, then proceed upstairs; and there they are in a bedroom. Your old high chair and cot. According to orthodox science, both items must just be similar and anyway, you just thought you passed them on, but actually you stuffed them absent minded into your SUV, this being their only logical explanation. But they did turn up and they were mine and we did have them for a few years so they were easy recognizable. Hand painted black with big green circles and the cot.
That  paranormal groups have many folk who have negative experiences with their naive dabbling is not a surprise to me.  For what do I or they understand about the ways of the universe? By about as much as my sleeping dog comprehends quantum theory.


Arab leaders are famously fractious, making that back stabbing bunch inside the Washington beltway look even a tad civilized. But according to Israel's Smadar Perry, they all agree - along with Barry and the Bastards - that they most certainly don't want Netanyahu winning the next Israeli elections; which should tell the voters all they need to know. 
Before acting like lemmings at the cliff, they should understand that all lefty political parties in Israel are a danger regarding Israel's security; for they still persist in waving their tooth fairy banners about making peace with the "death to Israel" throat cutting Pali Brigade. Haaretz and their Harlots are really just a pound of pork chops masquerading as kosher lamb. (Image: Copyright Control) 
Hey, what that Bibi was in a
Special Forces unit; led raids  
a few times behind enemy lines;
was wounded twice; fought in four wars.
He's still chicken shit...unlike moi...

Sunday, December 7, 2014


Six dangerous loony tune followers of the 7th century fantasist Messenger - who have been living it up in Gitmo for more than ten years at Yank tax payers expense - were flown to Uruguay for "resettlement" on Sunday. Another lefty South American basket case is welcome to have em'...but...somehow I can't see the Allahu Akbars staying any longer in that infidel workers paradise than it takes to order and eat a kebab. Barry hasn't any friggin' interest in the fact that they will be back in the Arab asylum known as the Middle East, plotting to kill Americans quicker than you can say, tie your camel Abdul. Calling Barry a cynical C word would be putting it much too politely!
Just a few more Muslim freedom fighters to fly off south. Cool, eh.

Saturday, December 6, 2014


If it's not that lefty tosser and Fidel friendly mayor of NYC doing his best to give Islam's psychos the edge, then you can bet it will be Barry. The Radical-in-Chief's latest attempt to hand tie the FBI will be forth coming soon. New racial profiling guidelines being announced by Barry's goons would restrict the ability of the FBI and other law enforcement agencies to take into account religion, national origin and other characteristics during investigations. Early in the Great Pretender's regime, he had the FBI training manual remove any words like jihad and radical Islam. It might sound a bit Hollywood as a plot line, but Barry and his Boys actually had front men from Islamist outfits invited to the White House a few times so they could give their opinions as to what should be allowed! Obama and Co are without doubt the most dangerous people ever to have been entrusted with the protection of America.

Friday, December 5, 2014


Technion campus, Israel.
Here’s an almost never-told success story to stuff up the jacksie of the BDS and other "apartheid Israel" tossers: Israeli Arabs, women in particular, have made huge strides over the past decade at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology (better known as Israel’s answer to MIT). Among both men and women, Arabs’ share of the Technion student body is now equal to their share of the overall population. (Israel Arabs number around 1.5 million). Yosef Jabareen is an Arab professor of urban planning who spearheads the Technion’s effort to recruit and graduate Arab students. He shared a recently updated report he’s done with an Israeli newspaper and explained what he called “a dramatic change” in outcomes for Arab students. “For me, as an Arab professor, it’s fantastic,” said Jabareen, who earned  his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the Technion, completed his education in the U.S. with a master’s from Harvard and a Ph.D. from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.