Friday, August 30, 2013


Unions And The Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare.
(Photo: Copyright Control)
"We are strong supporters of affordable health care for all Americans." said the Unions. "Sadly however, the promise made to us is under major threat. Unintended consequences of the ACA are poised to shatter not only our hard-earned health benefits, but destroy the foundation of the 40-hour workweek." 
How come? Well each week, employers have been dropping 1000's of low paid workers below 30 hours per week - the cut off number of hours whereby employers don't now need to buy health insurance. These new "part time" workers used to have health insurance but now don't have any. There are now over 200,000 low paid workers who used to have health insurance and they are just the beginning of a coming avalanche unless something is done. But as the politicians who voted in Obamacare have opted OUT of Obamacare, don't be expecting anything to happen soon!


(Photo: Copyright Control)
The Syrian civil war is about one set of barbarians; the Assad Regime, Hezbollah, Iran V. Al Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood and various Islamist groups...oh and about 12 rebels with secular, democratic credentials. Obama's mouth got him into this and the Brits quite rightly won't take part. Stopping Islamo-fascist Iran acquiring nuclear weapons is where he should have drawn that red line.


A suicide squad of at least 13 Syrian pilots has signed a pledge to serve as kamikaze pilots against Israel in the event that the United States attacks the Assad regime. One of Assad's nutters stated proudly, “We have more than 8,000 suicide martyrs within the Syrian army, ready to carry out martyrdom operations at any moment to stop the Americans. I myself am ready to blow myself up against US aircraft carriers." What? Only 8,000? Some of them are obviously not real Men of Islam!

Thursday, August 29, 2013


Some of you may have watched the Youtube of 4 Israeli on duty soldiers joining in the jollifications at a Palestinian wedding in Hebron. Simpletons and the usual suspects are all "wasn't it nice" to see...but you can't legislate against total naivety in the media. The soldiers should have their stupid young asses kicked half way across Judea and consider themselves fortunate to still have had one to boot.
Judean Wilderness.


Allahu Akbar!
Yet again, Iran's Islamo-fascist Revolutionary Guards chief has threatened Israel. This time he said a US military attack on Syria would lead to the "imminent destruction" of it. On the other hand, the number one global terror sponsors and Sharia law fuck wits might get a wee surprise...


Saudi Arabia - that bastion of 7th century thinking - has dipped a little toe into the waters of the 21st century - by passing landmark legislation aimed at protecting women, children and domestic workers against domestic abuse, a human rights official said on Thursday, in a move aimed at reducing hidden violence against women in the kingdom. Before you know it, women might even be able to go to the loo without putting their hand up to ask permission from Mr Misogynist! (Photos: Copyright Control)
No you can't go for a pee until I get on this unlucky horse!


Oh, dear...Jamie Foxx. Will Smith, Jay Z and Kanye should be, according to Mr Foxx, the New Civil Rights Leaders. Yeah, right. Let's see...didn't Jay Z piss off for a short vacation with his bird to that democratic paradise of Cuba? And as for the Democrats (who all voted - except one - AGAINST Abraham Lincoln's proposal to abolish slavery) hi-jacking MLK Day; revisionism has become an art form with them. During the 60's nearly every Democrat politician in the South was a half cousin to the KKK; while more recently, the Obamas were friends and fans of arch racist and leader of the Nation of Islam, Farrakhan; they were NOT followers of Mr King! So do spare us your BS and revisionist baloney about you lot of so called liberals being the keepers of the flame!
(Photo: Copyright Control)