Thursday, August 29, 2013


Oh, dear...Jamie Foxx. Will Smith, Jay Z and Kanye should be, according to Mr Foxx, the New Civil Rights Leaders. Yeah, right. Let's see...didn't Jay Z piss off for a short vacation with his bird to that democratic paradise of Cuba? And as for the Democrats (who all voted - except one - AGAINST Abraham Lincoln's proposal to abolish slavery) hi-jacking MLK Day; revisionism has become an art form with them. During the 60's nearly every Democrat politician in the South was a half cousin to the KKK; while more recently, the Obamas were friends and fans of arch racist and leader of the Nation of Islam, Farrakhan; they were NOT followers of Mr King! So do spare us your BS and revisionist baloney about you lot of so called liberals being the keepers of the flame!
(Photo: Copyright Control)

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