Monday, January 28, 2013


You may not have been hearing much about Hamas rockets and Palestinian terrorism. But it’s not for lack of the bastards trying! Israel’s Shin Bet (domestic security agency) has released its figures for 2012. It says it thwarted 100 “serious” terror attacks over the year, a third of them planned kidnappings, four of them attempted suicide bombings. Meanwhile, the U.S. Congress has been withholding $450 million in aid, while not surprisingly, the Obama administration wants it to free up the money, but Congress keeps refusing. Why? Israel and Congress’s insistence on exacting a price on Abbas. It lets the PA know that it is no longer outside the normal human cost-benefit calculus, with Israel indefinitely propping it up and the U.S. continuing to funnel it political and financial support no matter how it conducts itself.
Pali pus.

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