Saturday, January 5, 2013


Crystal ball time. Probably the first war of 2013 will be Israel’s attack on Iran's nuclear facilities. The Islamist Supreme Apology Team aka Obama & up-Chuck, will be having kittens prevailing upon Israel to postpone until Ahmadinejad is replaced in June. But his successor as president will just be another proxy for the Death Cult Crew's international criminal; the daddy of all dogs who really rules Iran, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. Under the Supreme Thug, Iran is a criminal state. Under Khamenei’s rule, killing those who disagree with its politics or religion was and still is de rigueur. He was president in 1988 when his death squad goons entered Iran’s jails to murder some 7,000 Marxist, atheist, and Islamic nonconformists. Expect zilch from Mr Obama or his lacky, Chuck "Chamberlain" Hagel. Israel will need to sort out Iran's nuke ambitions on their own.
(Cartoon: Iran Politics Club)

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