Saturday, May 24, 2014


Hands up, who remembers something called summer?
When Professor Lennart Bengtsson resigned from the Global Warming Policy Foundation on May 7, he caused a stir by accusing alarmists of using “McCarthy” tactics against him. Now, Bengtsson has publicly slammed alarmist climatologists for promoting “pseudo-science.” Unsurprisingly, the liberal media have fostered every bit of this “pseudo-science” crap; which is politically driven with massive research grants being handed out to all the usual suspects.
So who is Prof Lennart Bengtsson? He has a doctorate from the University of Stockholm and over his fifty-year career, he has published more than 200 papers and won 20 prestigious awards. Bengtsson is the former director of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, which Der Spiegel called “one of the world’s leading climate research centers.” Fact: Over the past 2 million years, ocean core samples - which don't lie - show that Ice Ages have come and gone. We are now in the longest period ever - over 12,000 years - between Ice Ages, which can last for around 100,000 years. The next one is overdue by about 5,000 years; so get yer thermal undies ready. (Image: Copyright Control) 

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