Saturday, May 31, 2014


(Image: Copyright Control)
There are a Billion + Muslims who, like you and me, only want what's best for their family and friends; and then there are the radicals, who are funded by like-thinking governments and individuals, who seek to silence all who oppose their Nazi-style agenda. The media mostly won't print or discuss the camel in our western living rooms, but some site owners are risking their very necks to expose an evil  - about which unfortunately, most decent, law abiding Muslims stay silent.
Click the link:



Let me bloody well go already, President pants-on-fire!
(Image: Copyright Control)

Friday, May 30, 2014


Yep. I'm offski, so no more BS from moi!
Jay Carney has thrown in the towel. Obama's mouth piece has had enough of lying for Team Obama and his first stop will be the confession box; and he better take more than a packed lunch to tide him through the weeks he'll be parked there.


Joe Garcia keeps bad company! Don't give him your vote!!!
"Emerge USA" is a Florida-based front organization whose unstated goal is to give radical Muslims a political voice in America; and United States Representative from Florida, Joe Garcia, is one of it's chums. Garcia has accepted thousands of dollars from Emerge for his 2014 reelection bid, and he has returned the favor by helping the group raise more money. So, isn't this how the Yanks do politics? But tarry there ye fair of the two co-chairmen of Emerge is South Florida attorney Khurrum Basir Wahid! And Wahid’s clients include: Rafiq Abdus Sabir, who received a 25 year prison sentence for conspiring to provide material support to al-Qaeda; al-Qaeda member Ahmed Omar Abu Ali, who was given a life sentence for plotting to assassinate George W. Bush; Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Sami al-Arian, who is presently under house arrest in Virginia; and Hafiz Muhammed Sher Ali Khan, a Miami, Florida imam who was convicted of funneling tens of thousands of dollars to the Taliban for the express purpose of murdering American troops. So Joe G ain't just hanging out with any old dudes. Them are bad assed and anyone still with a mind to cast a vote in Joe's direction should first apply for a lobotomy.  Kick the bum OUT!


(Image: Copyright Control)
At a news conference, former Sex Pistols front man John Lydon was being heckled by the anti-Israel brigade. He shut them up with his retort, "I support the people of Israel 100%!


History shows that only force has ever prevented a nation from clandestinely building or acquiring nuclear weapons. Obama thinks he can strike a deal with Islamo-fascist Iran. Obama is a dangerous, naive plonker, but still the Obama Zombies chant his praises!


The European Union issued an astounding press release on Wednesday, May 28. At a time when a wide swath of it's members are in dire financial straits, the EU Commission boasted about it's latest €200 million infusion of cash into the corrupt and incompetent Palestinian Authority. Where does the dough mostly go? Blood money to the families of Islam's “martyrs” who died killing Israeli men, women and children and let's not forget the financial bounty to the imprisoned murderers of Jews. Who needed to vote neo-Nazi at the recent European Elections, when there's a stack of the fuckers in Brussels already! 

Thursday, May 29, 2014



Hillary Clinton For President? Don't be so friggin' naive! 
Q: Who were taken on to guard the American Consulate at Benghazi? 
A: The February 17 Martyrs Brigade, that's who were tasked with providing security for the consulate. 
Q: And just who are they Ms Clinton? 
A: The February 17 Martyrs Brigade are an Islamist militia affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood. The attackers firing off RPGs into the compound were members of Ansar Al Sharia, a spin-off of the February 17 Martyrs Brigade, associated with Al Qaeda. That's who were guarding the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi.
And no, Hillary Clinton didn't give that last answer, as she and Obama were too busy saving their lying asses, talking tripe about a video! 

Hillary For President? Yeah, if you want a lying bitch with blood on her hands!


Two of the United State's top astronomers have told Congress that "there is alien life outside of our world and there is a good chance that we will meet alien life in our lifetime."  There's a large amount of recently released files, hundreds of which have military and civilian pilots on record, with ground radar and voice communications to back up their written testimonies as evidence of their "close encounters." (Unknown, silent craft, going  from zero to 3000 mph are not something we had 40 years ago or even now under wraps). Is Joe Public being gently prepared for the "aliens" that seem to already come and go at will?  Expect a whole lot of WACO's that morning if that's the case... (Image: Copyright Control)

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


The German car giant Audi's predecessors ruthlessly exploited thousands of Nazi concentration camp prisoners and other slave laborers and forced them to work in inhumane conditions under which at least 4,800 died, a new study commissioned by the car makers has revealed. And the Union doesn't come up smelling of new car either. The so-called " Father of the German Auto Union", Dr Richard Bruhn, was an active Nazi who was given the status of a "Wehrwirtschaftsfuehrer" aka defence industry leader, which denoted the company's importance as a producer of war materials. In 1953 West Germany awarded Bruhn one its highest accolades; The Grand Cross of Merit. 
Note: It's a fact, that after WW2, the De-Nazification Program introduced by the Allies, never came across one German that ever admitted they had voted for Hitler, so I guess that's why Bruhn got his gong! (Image: Copyright Control)
 Flossenberg concentration camp, Germany

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


I've been caught in me own weasel web, comrades!
George Soros, billionaire funder of every Israeli trashing and bashing outfit like Media Matters for America, the New America Foundation, the Center for Constitutional Rights, the American Friends Service Committee, and The Tides Foundation has all of his BDS dogs yapping and biting his very plentiful ass. Why so? Well Georgie has been found out being a very bad boy; that is, he's been putting money into enemy companies, aka Israeli ones! The Palestinian BDS National Committee has posted an official statement on it's website about their (former hero) asking that G.S. should now be given the full BDS treatment! Brill!


The European Parliament is set to usher in the first neo-Nazis; one from Germany one from Greece, but given the extent of the corruption, self interest and non democratic ways of the the EU, I'm amazed it's taken all these years for the far right to grab the attention of the pissed off masses!

*Roll up. Roll up for the gravy train.
Roll up. Roll up for the gravy train,
The Magical Gravy train is scamming your money away...
(*Beatles: Magical Mystery Tour)


The Israeli company LiveU will be responsible for streaming television quality video of World Cup coverage via cellular connections to broadcast centers and the Internet. Over 30 international broadcasters are scheduled to beam the games from stadiums in the 12 host cities across Brazil, where games will be held during the month-long quadrennial tournament. LiveU will thus be responsible for ensuring that broadcasts of most of the games get out to the rest of the world. I trust you BDS tossers will not be watching!
(Image: Reporter with cameraman using LiveU technology)

Monday, May 26, 2014


It's Memorial Day in the USA, so the Islamo-fascists who control Iran have posted their usual greeting. That newish guy - known to Obama as Mr Moderate - is just a cover story; but Obama & Europe are still taking part in that nuke talk farce which shows them to be totally ignorant of the way Iran really works. The big cheese is the boy with the beard below. He makes all the real decisions, which are in turn rubber stamped by his mullahs, so is there something being lost in translation?
Meanwhile, in a recent world wide poll - and in spite of Iran's mad mullah government's endless genocidal rants against Israel - the Iranian public actually came in as the least anti-Semitic country in the middle east, scoring only 23%; while the Pali Brigade - Israel's partner in peace - unsurprisingly scored a stonking 93%!

Sunday, May 25, 2014


(Image: Copyright Control)
With the elections in India over and the very pro Israel leader Narendra Modi about to take over, Israel is set to expand the existing cooperation between the two nations, in joint research and development projects in telecommunications and software. In August 2012, India and Israel signed a $ 550 million academic research program. In January 2008, India launched Israel’s most advanced 300 kilogram satellite into orbit. In April 2013, the Tata Industries signed an agreement to make a $5 million anchor investment in Tel Aviv University’s tech transfer company Ramot in engineering and exact sciences, environment and clear technology, pharmaceuticals and health care.


Can be purchased at
A few days ago in Sudan, an eight-month pregnant wife and mother was sentenced to death by hanging for refusing to renounce Christ and embrace Islam. Tragic as this story is, it is also immensely commonplace in Islamic countries. Why? Because 7th century Islamic law does in fact punish the apostate from Islam—including death—in accordance with the commands of the Muslim prophet of doom, Muhammad. One can only imagine the orgy of outrage from all the usual suspects if anything remotely like this was happening in Israel. Fucking hypocrites and then some!

Saturday, May 24, 2014


Then Iran's a top destination for you! It was a normal French greeting. The actress Leila Hatami - best known for starring in the Oscar-winning film, A Separation - received a kiss on the cheek from festival president Gilles Jacob. But she has come under attack from Iran's religious head cases for accepting the greeting rather than ducking away. What can you get a good thrashing for in Iran? Top ones are: Adultery, kissing in public, theft, homosexual acts, drinking/ selling alcohol, and blasphemy; aka thinking thoughts that haven't anything to do with Islam, and they are just some of the grounds for a 10-100 flogging! (Note: folk usually faint after about 7 whacks). Some country, eh?
I heard you thinking thoughts, bitch!


Hands up, who remembers something called summer?
When Professor Lennart Bengtsson resigned from the Global Warming Policy Foundation on May 7, he caused a stir by accusing alarmists of using “McCarthy” tactics against him. Now, Bengtsson has publicly slammed alarmist climatologists for promoting “pseudo-science.” Unsurprisingly, the liberal media have fostered every bit of this “pseudo-science” crap; which is politically driven with massive research grants being handed out to all the usual suspects.
So who is Prof Lennart Bengtsson? He has a doctorate from the University of Stockholm and over his fifty-year career, he has published more than 200 papers and won 20 prestigious awards. Bengtsson is the former director of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, which Der Spiegel called “one of the world’s leading climate research centers.” Fact: Over the past 2 million years, ocean core samples - which don't lie - show that Ice Ages have come and gone. We are now in the longest period ever - over 12,000 years - between Ice Ages, which can last for around 100,000 years. The next one is overdue by about 5,000 years; so get yer thermal undies ready. (Image: Copyright Control) 

Friday, May 23, 2014


Kol haMishpaha is the family band you always wished you and your kin had formed. From Israel, Kol haMishpaha, which appropriately translates from Hebrew to "a  family's voice," is the combination of the four Gruman siblings (Shani, 28; Noa, 25; Rinat, 20; and Yarden, 18), and their parents, Idith and Baruch. Each member of the family plays several instruments and contributes to the six-part harmonies.
Listen and be blown away!


Image: Islam's black psychos, Boko Haram
The abduction and enslavement of hundreds of young Nigerian schoolgirls at the hands of the African Islamic terrorist organization, Boko Haram is nothing new. It is estimated that well over 100 million black Africans died over the span of 14 centuries as they were marched across the scalding hot sands of the Sahara Desert by Muslim Arab raiders and traders And, as notes famed Islamic scholar Bernard Lewis, from the dawn of Islam, Muslims have abducted and enslaved non-Muslims—both black and white. Farrakhan's African American Nation of Islam - a fascist outfit if ever there was one - should take their head out of the Koran and read a bit of history. 

Thursday, May 22, 2014


Is the below for friggin' real? 


(Image: Copyright Control)
The Israeli product Sensibo is a small device which intelligently controls your A/C, helping you cut down on your electricity bill. This tiny device gives users the ability to control their A/C using their smartphone via a dedicated app which is available on both iPhone and Android. The device connects the A/C with the WiFi internet, and is designed to work with any air-conditioner in the market that has a remote control. It uses IR commands to communicate with your existing A/C just like the remote control.


A new route for the export of goods to Asia and the Arab world from the Eilat and Aqaba ports was inaugurated today in a ceremony attended by dozens of Palestinian businessmen. The Israeli Eilat Port Company Ltd. and Shlomi Fogel, an owner of the port and the private port Israel Shipyards Ltd. are behind the initiative.
(Image: Copyright Control)


(Image: Copyright Control)


(Image: Copyright Control)
Academic Left Caught With Their Racist Pants Down!
'I bet among those who also support those actions (against Israel) there are people who want the Jews to disappear'.
These words appeared on the minutes of The Modern Language Association - a renowned anti-Israel academic group - which revealed their true racist, antisemitic positions. Of course, the Radical Left have always been just the other side of the Nazis coin; and the BDS use the Palestinians as a fig leaf to cover their real agenda, aka the destruction of Israel. Would that Israel's soft left and the liberal tendency could for once grasp the fucking obvious!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


This is what to expect when you have a Death Cult masquerading as a religion!


A branch of Bell Labs is set to open this summer in Tel Aviv, said Michel Combes, CEO of Alcatel-Lucent, in a special announcement at the MIXiii 2014 high-tech conference on Tuesday. "Bell Labs has been synonymous with technology and innovation for nearly a century and so it's arrival in Israel is a clear confirmation of the confidence Alcatel-Lucent has in Israeli technology," Combes added.


"When I hear allegations of misconduct, any misconduct, whether it's allegations of VA staff covering up long wait times or cooking the books, I will not stand for it," Obama said yesterday. Just like he wouldn't stand for the IRS political thuggery (which his own black arts department initiated in the first place!) The first Obama knew about the VA goings on and all the other scandals, was from watching telly. Yeah, right. How many more weeks to endure of this incompetent, lying man and his Illinois ways? Too bloody many!


It's easier to get into heaven than get into America by the legal route. I know, because I've gone through all the hoops to be here; so when some "already American" one day blows the ass out of some American city, where will your stupid smile be then, Biden?


A new film from Iran shows the outcome of a nuke war with Israel. Called, ‘Point of No Return’ it has plenty of their usual Nazi-Islamist themes, showing Iran ‘emptying’ Haifa and Tel Aviv of the Jewish populations. Meanwhile, the West & Crew Obama have been making their own film titled, "Surrender Monkey Max". You know; I don't even think a dirty Islamic nuke set off in some western city would awaken the rest of the citizens of Europe and the U.S. from their self absorbed lives and their continuing sleep walk through the Land of Friggin' Trivia!
So...after Israel it's onward to the Cities of the Infidel!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


For years, and still ongoing, Islam's loonies commit genocide in Africa and mayhem across the globe while the international community and UN wring their hands and mutter about it...but some British soldiers need to be dragged to the International Criminal Court for farting in some Arab faces? Fuck-off!


(Image: Copyright Control)
Israel's main trading and business future is in Asia - not the U.S. or Europe - and with the beach-head well and truly secured, another four hundred Chinese and government officials are in Israel for a week of conferences, summits and business deals. Meanwhile,Tel Aviv University announced on Monday a partnership with Beijing’s Tsinghua University to invest $300 million to establish the XIN Research Center, intended to research early-stage and mature technologies in biotech, solar energy, water and environmental technologies.


With the radical Left in bed with radical Islam, now Holocaust denial assignments are being given out to American school children! Stealth jihad and Jew-hate have now entered U.S. public schools, financed by the usual suspects, with the tacit support of lefty teachers under the guise of "education".

Monday, May 19, 2014


Just in case there's any misunderstanding at places like the NYT and the White House, what Islam's agenda actually is, hear it direct from the camel's mouth.
Iranian Commander: 'Islamic Revolution Must be Global'! 
In a newly released video, IRGC Commander Mohammad Ali Jafari is seen speaking about the importance of spreading the Islamic Revolution all around the world. He calls for the toppling of the West, in particular Israel and the USA. Now...if there was a very loud flash and bang on a Yank aircraft carrier just off the coast of Iran and it sank, Obama would have his pet monkey James Carney announce at the news conference that it had collided with a shoal of jellyfish. (Photo: Copyright Control)
It had to be the jellyfish. No other possible explanation is viable.
Next question.



The Liberal tendency and the Obama regime are right in the fore front of the blame game. Never allowing facts to get in the way of a good prejudice, they have never grasped let alone understood, that even if Israel didn't exist, the Plague of Islam would still be doing what comes naturally to each other and us Infidels. 


The Nigerian president has disclosed that the war against the Islamist terror outfit Boko Haram has blown into a full scale war, which has now taken the lives of about 12,000 people. Hilary Clinton refused to designate Boko Haram - yet another Islamic death cult - a terrorist group when she was in post; even though everyone and their dog knew who these bastards were a couple of years ago. 
As for Mrs # tag Obama's plead to have the abducted schoolgirls returned; that should have been addressed to her jihad in-denial husband; for it's his policies of backing the very worst elements in Islam e.g. the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and turning a blind eye to radical Islam's financial backers in the Gulf States, that have given the global Islamist terror merchants the green light to carry on with their Jihad against anything not as fucking mad as them!