Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Even Abbas Says: 'Don’t boycott Israel,' which of course had all the usual suspects raging and behaving like a troop of Hezbollah head bangs. The Palestinian Authority president also told reporters while in South Africa, ‘We have relations with Israel.' I think Abbas might just have earned himself a fatwa from Islam's Psychos Inc.
More blood please, you bunch of girlies!


What do Richard Nixon and Barack Obama now have in common? Both have the lowest poll numbers of any modern day president and both are regarded even by dumbos as big time liars!


5,000 American Academics Boycott Israel!

“Rather than standing up for academic freedom and human rights by boycotting countries where professors are imprisoned for their views, the ASA chooses as its first-ever boycott to boycott Israel, the sole democracy in the Middle East, in which academics are free to say what they want, write what they want and research what they want,” But hey, we shouldn't be so surprised. In 1930's Germany,the academic community fell over themselves to join the Nazi Party! (Image: Copyright Control)

Sunday, December 15, 2013


A 58 year old man was arrested early Friday morning at the Mid-Continent Airport in Wichita, Kansas. The suspect, Terry Lee Loewen, believed he was about to die as a suicide bomber. He worked at the airport as an avionics technician and was arrested without incident, Al Qaeda & Co being his inspiration. The death cult crew of Islam: always an very appealing option for the bewildered and mentally challenged.
It was the promise of 72 virgins. As you see, I'm an
inadequate fuck wit.

Saturday, December 14, 2013


(Image: Copyright Control)
An Israeli company will soon launch Cell Buddy; an app which is designed to combat the ripe off for international travelers getting socked with hundreds or thousands of dollars in unexpected roaming charges for using cellphones away from home. Cell Buddy aims to turn any smartphone into a local one, which is sure to piss off the big Networks. Splendid!

Friday, December 13, 2013


Figures as 12/13 2013
Over the past four days and in just four countries, the Death Cult Crew of Islam have killed; 70 plus people in Kenya, 78 Christians in Pakistan, 142 people in Somalia and over a 100 in Iraq, but Obama told the United Nations on Tuesday, ”The world is a more stable place than it was five years ago.” The Surrender-in-Chief really should stop watching Bambi re-runs. Above are the very latest figures of Islamist carnage from around the world, and below, a group photo of some of the psychos who bring the religion of peace to all!
Have an Allahu Akbar Christmas, infidels!


The council of the Centre of European Nuclear Research (CERN) voted unanimously in favor of admitting Israel as a full member of the world’s largest centre for the study of atomic particles. Israel becomes the first non-European country to be granted such status by CERN. The Large Hadron Collider, creates high-energy collisions of subatomic particles and was used to discover the Higgs-Boson or "God Particle" last year. Israel has been involved in CERN since 1991 and has been an associate member since 2011. Around 40 Israeli scientists already spend significant time working at CERN’s facilities in Switzerland. In addition, Israeli 22 doctoral students and 22 post-doctoral students are active at the centre.
(Image: Copyright Control)


British Soldiers at the Western Wall, 1921.      (Images: Copyright Control)

Thursday, December 12, 2013


Richard-foaming-Falk, is the UN Human Rights Council's rabid dog and permanent investigator on anything Israel. He's been bleating away as he's been caught and exposed by UN Watch for supporting 9/11 conspiracy theories that deny Islamist terrorist responsibility; publishing an anti-Semitic cartoon; endorsing a pro-Hitler book; blaming the Boston Marathon bombings on the U.S. and “Tel Aviv.” Falk's an excellent example of why anyone with a few brain cells still working should always believe in a unicorn winning the UK Grand National at Liverpool, before giving any credence to anything that spews forth from anyone in that United Nazis building in NYC!
(Image: Copyright Control)


Bangladesh - a Muslim country - has hanged a top Islamist leader, Abdul Quader Mollah who was convicted of committing atrocities during the country's war of independence from Pakistan over 40 year ago, in which more than 3 million people died. Four other death cult crew Islamists will likewise soon follow Mr Mollah.(Image: Copyright Control)
 Bangladeshi woman demanding some neck stretchin'


(Image: Copyright Control)
Someone should inform Clown Kerry that Islamo-fascist Hamas and its Allahu Akbar Palestinian allies, that they will never accept Israel's right to exist! So even if Abbas gets 100% of the West Bank, Gaza Strip and east Jerusalem to establish a Palestinian state, Hamas and the rest of the Jihad Jerk-Offs - which represent a substantial part of the Palestinian population - will continue to fight to destroy Israel. Read the Hamas charter, Obama & Co, Peace Now (they're the Israeli tooth fairy brigade) and other deluded dumbos.
For those brave souls who would venture into the alternative universe of the Hamas Charter, click the link:


(Image: Copyright Control)
'The White House was forced to admit that President Obama had met his illegal alien uncle before he started Harvard Law School. The White House explained that President Obama didn't recall because he was pretty stoned at the time.' -Jodi Miller

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Israel, Palestinians and the Jordanians actually agree on something, and they've just sign a Red Sea to Dead Sea pipeline deal! The pipeline will be 180 kilometers -- about 108 miles -- long and will pass through Jordanian territory. It will channel 100 million cubic meters of water each year northward from the Red Sea, slow the drying up of the Dead Sea and also provide desalinated water to Jordan and Israel. (Image: Copyright Control)
The Dead Sea, which is the lowest point on earth;
427 metres (1,401 ft) below sea level.


Part of a US Congressional delegation at Nelson Mandela's memorial service, quite rightly walked out of the service Tuesday while Cuban dictator Raul Castro delivered his speech. There was also a very political dark side to Rainbow Nation Mandela; and while all the Mandela sycophants are still wailing away, it's worth pointing out just one of Mandela's favorite totalitarians, Fidel Castro! (Image: Copyright Control)
Brothers in Arms.


On planet earth, Muslims make up a whopping 25% of the world population. That's over 1.5 billion Muslims. Jews make up a titchy 0.02% that's only around 14 million. Nobel Prize Winners: Jews 137: Muslims 2 and one of these winners was terror boss Arafat. As one Muslim professor once said: "Less time spent calling out to Allah and blaming everyone for our problems, then we may get somewhere." Indeed, professor, indeed.

Fact: There is not one Muslim country that has a university in the top 500 universities of the world.


Roger just-another-prick-in-the-wall Waters is at it again. This time he's equating Israel with the Nazis. Just drop the multi millionaire twat into Tehran!
Now I know how Adolf felt.
(Image: Copyright Control)


Zombie films? Yeah, right...but then I began watching the brilliant, highly acclaimed and very original French made "The Returned" which is currently showing in the states on the Sundance Channel. Now, the Yanks don't usually do sub-titles, but even they have been glued to the screen each week. Box set for me!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


While the West slumbers and Obama & Co sleep with the enemy, Islamists are seeking to impose Islam on everyone! They aren’t a distorted interpretation of Islam. Islamism is simply the organized political implementation of Islam in the same way that Nazism was the implementation of National Socialism.
Unlike its Christian and Jewish antagonists, Islam hasn’t been liberalized or secularized. Western politicians and Islams' apologists get a bid fat zero in grasping that right now, there's a war between civilizations that's being fought right under their noses! Islams so called "moderates" are willing to wait until the demographics are firmly on their side and therefore want to expand immigration numbers. Islam's radicals can't wait and want to blow up everything and anything they can. Both are on the same totalitarian path; a path which will ultimately lead to the Islamification of western civilization.
Take your head out of your posterior; (a) first get educated, (b) then get involved!
(a) http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/

(b) http://www.actforamerica.org/welcome/

Saturday, December 7, 2013


In Israel, Moti Cohen is pioneering a new spin on an very old method first used in Asia. The idea is to create a circular farm that provides people with fish and plants to eat in a closed loop. The crops feed off the waste created by the fish, while the fish thrive on the oxygen made by the crops. Both become an important source of nutrients for the people –– with no waste, fertilizer or much water needed. “It is an ancient method that we can bring up to speed now that we have electricity, fish ponds and great technologies to make aquaponics better than it ever has been,” he says.
(Image: Copyright Control)


Bishop Naim Khoury leads the First Baptist Church of Bethlehem, which is under Palestinian control. His church has been targeted for repeated attacks, including bombings and shootings. The Palestinian Authority has also revoked the church’s recognition, meaning it is no longer able to issue birth certificates or perform weddings or funerals that will be legally recognized. In Egypt, over a 100 churches have been burned down. This is what happens when Muslims have any control over religious sites other than their own mosques...and Obama wants to divide Jerusalem!
Allahu Akbar! 100 down, lots more to torch, Abdul!

Friday, December 6, 2013


The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) on Thursday praised Israel’s economic growth in 2013. “Israel’s output growth remains relatively strong, unemployment is at historically low levels, its high-tech sector continues to attract international admiration, and new off-shore gas fields have come on stream,” the OECD said in the executive summary of its 2013 Israel Economic Survey. Still deluded enough to think that the farce known as the "peace process" with Clown Kerry conducting, is about a bit of land with goats? No; it's about the Arabs' fear of Israeli know-how, can-do! The Arabs know that keeping Israel spending $billions of dollars on defense each year is the only strategy they have to slow Israel's real potential down. Without their $trillions of petro-dollars rolling in each year, they'd all still be camel and goat herders.
(Image: Copyright Control)


Music is becoming illegal in many corners of the Muslim world and the ideology behind the snuffing out of a beautiful art form threatens to affect the rest of the world as well. Referring to Islamic Sharia law, the Koran states: "Allah Mighty and Majestic sent me as a guidance and mercy to believers and commanded me to do away with musical instruments, flutes, strings, crucifixes and the affair of the pre-Islamic period of ignorance. On the Day of Resurrection, Allah will pour molten lead into the ears of whoever sits listening to a songstress.” 
I think I'll go play Led Zep 2 FULL BLAST!


There are 125,000 Druze living in Israel who consider themselves to be a social group as well as a religious sect. They are Arabic-speaking citizens of Israel who do military service in the Israel Defense Forces, serving the very same as the majority of citizens of Israel. Members of the Druze community have attained top positions in Israeli politics and public service. The number of Druze parliament members usually exceeds their proportion in the Israeli population, and are integrated within several Israeli political parties.
 Druze soliders of the Israeli Defense Force.

Thursday, December 5, 2013


The NSA is tracking 5 billion cell phone location data as well as all the other stuff. And I should bloody well hope so! It's Al Qaeda and all the Islamist Allahu Akbar loonies fav way to order their kebabs. So, do stop bleating on about your privacy; you never had any when you bought that Internet package!
More ammo, two heat seeking missiles... oh and 6 kebabs, fries, no mayo.


There are 130,000 Christian Arabs in Israel and at a time when Christian communities across the Islamic world are facing vicious persecution in the form of arrests, murder, Muslim mob violence and bombings of churches, it’s no coincidence that this assertive form of Christian identity I.E. joining the IDF (Israeli Defense Force) is pissing off the usual suspects big time. Great!
(Image: Copyright Control)


Team Obama Has A Security Plan For The "West Bank"!
An' then a said: "Israel, I've got your back".
Team Obama, having lost Egypt to the Russians, flip-flopped on Syria, let Islamists murder in Benghazi and given the nod for Iran's Mad Mullahs to build a nuke at their convenience, are now offering some of their collective wisdom to the Israelis? Fuck off!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


USB cable developers have announced with much excitement that a forthcoming version of the connector's plug is to be reversible! It means users of the Universal Serial Bus cables will no longer have to worry which way round the part is facing when plugging it into a device. I guess the geeks did a bit of market research, found out that there are zillions of folk who shouldn't be allowed out alone, and realised that they could make a friggin' fortune form their amazing anti-worry technology.


Iran has been appointed as a member of the executive council of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). When you read something like this, you know for sure that those who run planet earth are really escapees from some old asylum.
Staff nurse, call the residents for din-dins...


The fact remains: Surrender-in-Chief Obama agreed to Iranian enrichment and lied to the Israelis, Saudis and everybody else! The Islamist crazies in Tehran will happily go down in nuclear flames if they know they could take everybody else with them! Obama's the nearest thing to 666 this side of Armageddon. 
(Image:Copyright Control)
(Apologies to Winston Churchill)

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


The world seems terrified that the Jewish people might pray at their Temple Mound in Jerusalem and the Palestinian Muslims are going ape shit. The fact that the mound for over 3000 years has been the Holy place for Jews - the site of King Solomon's temple etc - seems lost on the general public. Fact: (a) Muhammad NEVER stepped foot in Jerusalem (b) Jerusalem is NEVER mentioned once in the Koran. 
Click the link and see why the Palestinians want it removed!


Monday, December 2, 2013


The Israeli Embassy in Nepal initiated the establishment of a three kilometer hiking trail in the Himalayan Mountains, in cooperation with the Nepalese authorities.The paved trail will be called the “Israel Trail in the Himalayas.” The trail passes through an enchanting forest in a nature reserve and overlooks the beautiful snow-capped mountains. It is located in the Shivapuri Nagarjun National Park near Katmandu, the capital of Nepal.
(Image: Copyright Control)


Back in 2012, Mossad told the Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz that the Stuxnet virus was developed to attack Iran's nuke program. Why go public? Because the Obama Administration had already disclosed the program’s existence to the Iranians in order to help Obama's reelection campaign! Now a Super Stuxnet could be on the cards... Meanwhile, Obama's in panic mode. A very unusual creature has been spotted in Washington aka the Donkey & Elephant Show; and it's gathering more supporters from both parties because they very much oppose the Obama & EU surrender monkey package that Obama is trying desperately to flog to them.  
(Image: Copyright Control)


 I escaped from WACO to join the Truthers!
Georgetown University’s interfaith Sham Center got exposed, so they had to cancel a speaking engagement with an Egyptian Nazi! But Islamist out-patients and other supporters of the death cult crew need not worry: Muslim Brotherhood mutants and 9/11 Truthers are all still very welcome; as is a senior Obama Administration official allied with the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood. 


Former CIA chief Michael Hayden says 'The Obama administration has walked away from a core objective of U.S. policy for two decades—preventing a nuclear Iran'. I rest my case re the Surrender-in-Chief!


An Israeli company founded in in 2010, the Wi-Charge group, has been working to create a safe wireless power transmitter that allows clients to charge their devices, using infrared radiation. Wi-Charge explains: “Our mission is to render mobile devices self-sufficient and free the users of the burden of frequent charging.” (Image: Copyright Control)
No it won't heat your bagel, Moshe.