Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Christian Arab citizens of Israel are forming a new political party that calls for Arab enlistment into the Israeli armed forces. The party’s Hebrew name — B’nei Brit Hahadasha — means “Sons of the New Testament,” although the word “allies” is hidden in the title as well. The new movement is led by Bishara Shilyan, a 58-year-old sea captain, whose nephew is already a major in a combat unit. Israeli Arab volunteerism is also on the rise, and is not limited to the Christian population. New data released by Israel’s Administration for National-Civic Service indicates a rise of 76% in Muslim Arab youth volunteering for civil service since September 2001. In the past, Christians usually just went into the Muslim Bedouin Reconnaissance Battalion, along with urban Arab soldiers, but that policy is now very likely to change.
(Photo: Copyright Control)

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