Wednesday, November 28, 2012


 There’s a concept in combat theory called the OODA loop – Observe, Orient, Decide, Act – that accounts for every decision made during a battle.The great Chinese general Sun Tzu – whose book The Art of War is required reading in military theory, politics, and business – argued that disruption of the enemy was among the best ways to win a battle without even needing to fight or to make victory easier if combat became necessary. There is no better way to disrupt the enemy than to be “inside” his OODA loop; to impact his decision-making by creating confusion or false impressions.
There may be no greater example of being inside someone else’s OODA loop than the way the Arab and Muslim world reacts to Mossad. An eagle found with a Hebrew tag is enough to get them all in a tiswaz. Allowing the enemies of Israel to have as much as a 30 minute snooze without moving their location is the name of the game; for the fear of there own demise creates even more paranoia than a 1000 tanks parked on their border.

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