Monday, April 14, 2014


Is Antisemitism A Disease? 
let's look as to why it might be.

Main reasons why folk hate Jews:
(1).They killed JC: Actually the Romans were head of Crucifixions R US and they ran everything. Nobody could bang a nail and certainly not a bunch of rag tag Jews would be listened to. Nope, J.C. was dealt with as just another trouble making rebel against Rome rule. In fact, they nailed tens of thousands on crosses during the Empire's hay-day; the Romans regarding it as an excellent way to send their imperial message to would be subversives.  
(2). Jews control the World: Being only 0.02 of the world population either the goyim (non Jews) are as thick as pig shit at the neck of a bottle, or all Jewish folk have a fucking 195 IQ!
(3). Jews all stick together: Er...a bit of a flaw on this one. In fact, some of Israel's worst enemies are Jews on the radical Left. Indeed, some top BDS'ers are Jews. 
As far as I can ascertain, Jews can start off in a new country with sweet FA, not a word of the language, a hole in the ass of their pants, but in 20 years they can (if and when allowed) be throwing up world leaders in science, the arts, medicine et al. 
So how the fuck do they do it, time and time again? 
EDUCATION is holy to them. That and bloody hard work, that's how they do it. And just for the record, I'm not Jewish.
 My big scientific survey of one comes out like this: no logical or scientific explanation supports the views held and positions taken by antisemitic people.  
Therefore, antisemitism is a disease: easily caught by the ignorant, the envious and those who are just plain evil!

Sunday, April 13, 2014


Jersey boy Christie hasn't a clue about Israel and more to the point has actually supported a known Islamist! The man's a first class numpty. Christie as president would be another disaster like Obama, but without the swagger and honey words.


Beersheva kinder garden, Israel
after a Palestinian rocket attack.
According to an EU report, Israel has knocked down eighteen tin huts built to house Palestinians during the unusually severe winter weather this year that were "partially funded by EU member states." Lets see...when you bastards in the EU stop funding Palestinian terror, then some talk of compo for your tin huts.

Saturday, April 12, 2014


(Image: Copyright Control)
An Ohio judge has convicted a man - who for 15 years harassed a neighbor and her disabled children - to stand on a street corner with a sign that says "I AM A BULLY!" The municipal court judge says the 62-year-old must hold the sign for five hours on Sunday. What! Only 5 hours? They should bring back the stocks for this tosser, hang the sign round his neck and shackle the ass hole up in 'em every weekend for a year!

Friday, April 11, 2014


Warning ahead for you Yanks! If a parent died even 50 years ago, had debt to the government, Obama's Social Security Gestapo can now seek you out and go after you for that debt!
Just another little slight-of-hand from ma Illinois days...


NASA officials and conspiracy theorists are scratching their heads about a mysterious beam of light photographed by the Mars Curiosity rover.
( Photo: courtesy of NASA)


According to Shahram Chubin, a nonresident senior associate at the Nuclear Policy Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace organization and the former director of studies at the Geneva Center for Security Policy, Iran is more mouth than military. Well, Mr Chubin didn't use that exact phrase, but you get the drift. Chubin continued, “But where Iran excels is in the more subtle areas of indirect diplomacy, menace and intrigue,” he said. For example, Chubin told The Jerusalem Post on Thursday, that regarding the war in Syria, “Iran started slowly and then found it was pushing against an open door and stepped up its activities once it saw that the US would not react.” Ah...the Surrender-in-Chief outed by the Mullah men. But surely it's not taken them 5+ years to figure out Obama & Co?