Wednesday, May 8, 2013


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"Hawking's decision to join the boycott of Israel is quite hypocritical for an individual who prides himself on his own intellectual accomplishment. His whole computer based communication system runs on a chip designed by Israel's Intel team. I suggest that if he truly wants to pull out of Israel he should also pull out his Intel Core i7 from his tablet." Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, director of the Shurat Hadin Israel Law Center, Israel. 
It only goes to show, you can know many things about the workings of the Universe but can't tell the difference between a vibrant democracy and a shed load of Islamo-fascist Palestinian shits!


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Forth rate Western leaders pick their noses and have their thumbs in their bums; floundering around on whether to take action in Syria, endlessly out witted by Islamo-fascist Iran and generally in a daze about nuclear proliferation among pariah nations. It's left to Israel to point out what a red line looks like and to once again provide the world with a demonstration of leadership, daring, technical capability and national fortitude. Obama's idea of leadership? Ask a focus group!


 Special Ops halted from responding to Benghazi attacks, U.S. diplomat says. As the weakly protected U.S. diplomatic compound in eastern Libya came under attack the night of Sept. 11, 2012, the deputy head of the embassy in Tripoli 600 miles away sought in vain to get the Pentagon to scramble fighter jets over Benghazi in a show of force that he said might have averted a second attack on a nearby CIA complex.
Hours later, according to excerpts of the account by the U.S. diplomat, Gregory Hicks, American officials in the Libyan capital sought permission to deploy four U.S. Special Operations troops to Benghazi aboard a Libyan military aircraft early the next morning. The troops were told to stand down. Will H.R.Clinton's presidential ambitions be hung from a Cherry tree? They bloody well should be! (Photo: Copyright Control)'ll soon find out!


Israeli Scientists Discover The Heart's Hidden Healing Cells! 
(Photo: Copyright Control)
Stem cells located in the mysterious left atrial appendage may explain how the heart repairs itself. What this means said the scientists from Hadassah University Hospital, is that the cells have the ability to regenerate and turn into not only cardiac muscle cells but also other kinds of cells in the heart, such as blood vessels, connective tissue, and, most importantly, a certain kind of cardiac tissue that is important for the body's immune system. In other words, these stem cells can turn into other cells with the ability to stimulate an injured heart to heal itself.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


(Photo: Copyright Control)
Imagine a world where streetlamps no longer run on electricity. Or rather, they no longer exist, since they are replaced by trees that emit light. This alien-like scenario is not something out of sci-fi movie Avatar – it is actually a Kickstarter project by Israeli-American company Genome Compiler – and it’s well on its way to reality. Using the company’s technology, Genome Compiler will synthesize the DNA of an Arabidopsis plant with genes from a firefly that cause natural luminosity. Project manager Anthony Evans calls the project a “first step in creating sustainable natural lighting.”


Iranian Terror Goes Global: Bold New Tactics For Tehran's Shadowy Quds Forces.
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The shadowy group has changed its tactics over the past two years, morphing from a sophisticated intelligence agency that empowered other groups to do its bidding to a rather haphazard perpetrator of violent attacks in its own right mainly against Western and Israeli targets.Two attacks against Israeli diplomats were carried out on Feb. 13, 2012, when magnetized bombs were attached to cars in Tbilisi, Georgia, and New Delhi, India. The Georgian bomb was defused, while the Indian explosive went off and injured the wife of an Israeli attaché, her driver and bystanders. Yet another plot targeting Israelis was thwarted the next day in Bangkok, Thailand.