Thursday, January 17, 2013


Over the years, thousands of Palestinian rockets have been launched into Israel aimed at Israeli civilians, and not just by Hamas. “Palestinian leaders” repeat several times each day before breakfast that their aim is the obliteration of Israel altogether and that they will NEVER recognize the legitimacy of Israel within ANY SET OF BORDERS. The Pali media controlled by the “Authority” and terrorist organizations have been thoroughly Nazified; they broadcast anti-Semitic filth that exceeds the German Nazis broadcasts in the 1930s. The Gaza Strip has been completely Nazified. Not as much as a fig leaf distinguishes the Islamofascism of Hamas from the Islamofascism of the PLO, and the “president” of the Palestinian Authority is a certified Holocaust Denier. Enough, already!
(Photo: Copyright Control)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


After months of Obama treating Egyptian President Muhammad Morsi like a species of sacred cow, the White House has finally condemned his vicious, racist rhetoric against Israel. In a 2010 statement by the Islamo-fascist Muslim Brotherhood, Morsi's views - which have been well known by anyone who had the interest to look into his record - finally surfaced in the New York Times on Tuesday. Among his Hitleresque rants, he referred to Israel and the Jews as "descendants of apes and pigs," a reference to an anti-Jewish passage in their peace loving holy book aka the Koran. Also, the recipient of 20 U.S. F-16 fighter jets from Obama and Co had this to say: " Muslims must "nurse our children and our grandchildren on hatred" for such people. I rest my case.
It's great to know what you really want: the 7th century in their case.

(Photo: Copyright Control)


With a few exceptions, the Western world tolerates the Arabs using woman and children as human shields, hanging gays for being gay and generally behaving like barbarians (Syria being the latest example). The world tolerates Muslim countries doing what comes naturally because this is exactly what is expected of them. When Islam broke out of Arabia with their newly minted Religion of Peace, not since around 195 BC, with the Roman death squads at Carthage, had their been such wanton carnage until the Arabs came calling.
Syria with the Allahu Akbar brigade.

You can read about Islam by clicking this link:

(Photo: Copyright Control)


The State of New York is the first to pass a series of new reforms and regulations in the wake of the shooting at Sandy Hook elementary. The new laws ban any magazine from having more than seven rounds, conduct real-time background checks, alert police of high volume buyers, and broaden the definition of assault weapons. For anyone with a smidgen of sanity, this is the least that the Yanks should be doing and is not any challenge to the Second Amendment. So why are folk with a tank as their run around vehicle and a home arsenal that would make Al Qaida envious, all jumping about jack-rabbit mad? The last word in the previous sentence gives you the clue...
I need one like this in case I have mice, nits
or want to play Marines. 
(Photo: Copyright Control)

Monday, January 14, 2013


In a scale 0-10, the facts would show a big fat zero! While Abbas is busy with conferring new titles on his Palestinian Authority – changing letter heads etc to "State of Palestine" - his Prime Minister Salam Fayyad has to deal with the PA insolvency. The 22-nation Arab League promised $100 million. Mohammed Sobeih, an Arab League official, claimed that letters have gone out to individual member states, urging them to pay the promised $100 million. Fayyad, however, contends that PA financial problems rest with the delinquent Arab donors who have failed to fulfill their pledge of support in accordance with Arab League resolutions! Fayyad made it clear that the EU, the U.S. and even Israel, have delivered on their commitments to the Palestinians; but he accuses the Arab states of not meeting their pledges. So you see what the Arabs really think of their so called Palestinian brothers. A few cheap cries of Allahu Akbar is about all they can expect from the "delinquent Arab donors"!
Arab League HQ in Cairo.
(Photo: Copyright Control)


To the delight of Israel’s enemies and the dismay of its supporters, libertarian Senator Rand Paul, a potential Republican contender for the United States presidency, argued while in Israel this week that the U.S. should phase out all the aid that it provides Israel’s military. And he's got very good point. Israel is already a world leader in military innovation and technology. A totally freed-up Israeli military would only propel its economy to new heights. Israel has a powerhouse economy — the best performing in the developed world — that could easily absorb a $3-billion hit, which amounts to about 1% of its GDP. Israel’s defence spending would actually drop. Why? Because it wouldn't be as reliant on expensive U.S. arms. Under the present terms of its military aid agreement with the U.S., about $2.25-billion of the $3-billion MUST be spent on U.S. arms suppliers, whose merchandise often needs to be retrofitted to meet Israeli needs. But perhaps the biggest gain: The sovereignty of Israel not being forever compromised politically and militarily by the present arrangement. Time to fly solo.
(Photo: Copyright Control)


Islamophobia: A catchy phrase first coined by the Muslim Brotherhood's PR Department, by the way...BUT... the FBI statistics reveal hate crimes against Muslims lag way behind all other groups in the USA! Even being sent out by the wife to piss in the outhouse - with 40 degrees of frost to contend with - sneaks in one place before Muslims, at Number 99.
 After prayers, it's: Friday night flag burning time!

(Photo: Copyright Control)