Monday, November 26, 2012


Degenerate Hamas Win The Cess Pit Prize!
New baby names in Gaza: 'Fajr' and 'Ahmed Jabari' are the names of two of the rockets fired at Israeli towns and cities by the Hamas Islamo-Fascist entity. The names are proving very popular with Islam's peace loving Pali biker brigade...


By Daniel Greenfield (C). Twenty years ago, on December 1992, Israeli forces responded to Hamas atrocities by arresting over a thousand Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists and deporting 415 of them into Lebanon. Bill Clinton said that while he understood Israeli concerns over Hamas, “which is apparently bent on terrorist activities of all kinds”, he was opposed to Israel actually deporting the terrorists. American and European officials continued to pressure Israel and the media continued to run stories on what they described as the “crisis of the deportees.” 

Hamas: The Death Cult Crew.
Among those expelled were two co-founders of Hamas, the current Hamas leader, Ismail Haniyeh, and several top military commanders; members of a terrorist movement whose charter listed theocracy and genocide as its goals. The United Nations Security Council (aka the United Nazis: my italics) unanimously adopted Resolution 799 which “strongly” condemned the deportation of “hundreds of Palestinian civilians” and expressed “its firm opposition to any such deportation by Israel”. It further demanded that Israel “ensure the safe and immediate return to the occupied territories of all those deported.” The United Nations Egyptian Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali called for taking “whatever measures are necessary” to compel Israel to take back the terrorists. Among the countries voting for Resolution 799 was the United States, which had not blinked at Kuwait’s post-war expulsion of 200,000 Palestinians, but had hinted at sanctions against Israel over the expulsion of 415 terrorists. Each concession that Israel made to terrorism sharpened the violence that would come in the next encounter as the terrorists grew stronger and Israel became more desperate to stop the escalating violence. Each time diplomats and reporters rewarded Hamas, rivers of blood flowed across the land.  Hamas would later boast, “By Allah, we will not leave one Jew alive in Palestine” 
Twenty years ago the media and the diplomats did exactly what they did now. They turned Hamas into victims and pressured Israel to resolve the situation. After enough pressure Israel complied, Hamas won and war became once again inevitable. Hamas is still around because the diplomats and the liberal media want them around.  That is as true today as it was twenty years ago.


Bill Wyman, Mick Taylor, Jeff Beck and 

Mary J. Blige join band for kickoff!

The Stones: 50 years rollin'
The Rolling Stones began their 50th anniversary tour with the biggest possible bang on Sunday night, as a host of special guests joined them for a hit-packed show in London's O2 Arena. Former Stones comrades Bill Wyman and Mick Taylor returned to the ranks, while Mary J. Blige and Jeff Beck were also on hand to help with the celebrations. Wyman – who left the Stones in 1992 – was greeted with warm applause and a handshake from Keith Richards as he returned to play bass on "It's Only Rock and Roll" and "Honky Tonk Women." But the biggest cheers came for Taylor, who hasn't been a Stone since 1974 – he played trademark blues guitar solos on an extended version of "Midnight Rambler" and looked like he was enjoying every second of the reunion.
Follow us: @rollingstone on Twitter | RollingStone on Facebook


Israeli PM to pilots: "If rockets resume, go back and 
destroy whatever is left."
(Photo: Copyright Control)
The prime minister went on to say that Hamas had suffered a devastating blow to its weapons stores. "During Operation Pillar of Defense, most of the rockets aimed at central Israel, and thousands of rockets aimed at southern Israel, were destroyed. The moment the operation achieved its stated objectives there was no reason to keep it going. We decided when to launch it, and we controlled how it ended. If the calm persists, it will beget calm. If it is violated, we will respond harshly." During a visit to a military base in central Israel on Sunday, Gantz was asked about Hamas rearming itself, to which he replied: "Growing military power is not a new problem in the Middle East. We will make every effort to sabotage this trend."


Obama Official In Talks on Banning Defamation of Islam!
The Obama Administration was scheduled to meet today with Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) officials to work on banning defamation of Islam – including any speech that associates Islam or Islamists with violence. U.S. Consul General in Jeddah Anne Casper was reportedly going to attend the defamation hearings this morning.

This is the latest attempt by the Obama administration to restrict the Constitutional rights of Americans. WELCOME TO THE EMPEROR'S NEW WORLD ORDER!

Sunday, November 25, 2012


Still doing their fantasy routine, Hebollah's Nasrallah the Nutter said, "If you failed to win a war against Gaza which has been under siege, what would be the case if you engage yourself in a war with someone else?"
Nasrallah also issued a sly threat to the Jewish State, saying, "If only a few Fajr-5 missiles shook Israel, how would it deal with thousands of rockets landing on Tel Aviv as well as other cities, if it should venture to attack Lebanon?" Military sources have said that Hezbullah possesses the next generation of the Iranian Fajr series, and has an arsenal of Fajr-6 missiles, plus tens of thousands of Katyusha missiles. The Hezbullah chief went on to declare that the battle with the Jewish State ranges from the northernmost city of Kiryat Shmona, to the southernmost resort city of Eilat, located along the Red Sea.
Hezbollah: Islam's Nazis.
Well I guess if it really came to it, a well planted nuke on the Nasrallah contingent would answer his Jihad ambitions.


An Italian utility company has thrown its hat into the ring to cash in on Israel's recently discovered offshore oil and natural gas fields, Automated Trader reports. Edison International signed a deal with the Israeli Ratio Oil Exploration Partnership for the rights to one-fifth of its Gal concession, and the option to purchase an additional one-fifth near the underwater natural gas field known as Leviathan. While the production potential of the Gal concession is still unknown, Leviathan is said to contain about 453 billion cubic meters of natural gas. 

(Map: Copyright Control)