Thursday, July 16, 2015


"The United States and other world powers will help to teach Iran how to thwart and detect threats to its nuclear program. So Obama’s United States will be helping prevent Israel from stopping Iran obtaining nukes.The most damaging diplomatic agreement in U.S. history, from the most disastrous president we have ever had." Free Beacon

Against a background of stampeding sales people, and a plenitude of spineless, useful political idiots who clutter up Washington, willing to facilitate the Traitor-in-Chief's Nukes-for-Iran Project; Obama won't have too much trouble getting his treacherous way. Had Barry been around circa 1930's, he'd have made Chamberlain look like a war monger.  

Wednesday, July 15, 2015


Any time your ass is on a beach somewhere, every grain of sand would represent a star a.k.a. a Sun.  And there's a hell lot of beaches on our good earth. What astronomers call our "neighborhood"  in the creatively named "Local Group" is just a very titchy wee bit of the known universe. These folk of science plod on among the great mysteries to bring us an ever better view of how insignificant we are in the vastness; but then, our arrangement of atoms which can actually grasp anything at all, is perhaps the biggest mystery. For the latest from the boffins of physics, read on.
A dark matter bridge in our cosmic neighborhood
By using the best available data to monitor galactic traffic in our neighborhood, Noam Libeskind from the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP) and his collaborators have built a detailed map of how nearby galaxies move. In it they have discovered a bridge of dark matter stretching from our Local Group all the way to the Virgo cluster—a mass of some 2,000 galaxies roughly 50 million light-years away, that is bound on either side by vast bubbles completely devoid of galaxies. This bridge and these voids help us understand a 40 year old problem regarding the curious distribution of dwarf galaxies. Next time around the water cooler, try striking up a conversation on the above and clear the area quicker than a man with a mega flatulence attack.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


Hitler once said, that had the powers that be stood up to him at the beginning of his military adventures, they'd have called his bluff. No lessons learned or points given to today's Chamberlains, then. Israel has two choices: lay low and hope that the Bitch of Benghazi a.k.a. HRC - who has just accepted the Barry Total Surrender Prize - isn't elected Prez; or asap, go flatten the nuke wannabes themselves. 


While Egypt is monitoring 3,187 of its mosques, the US, Europe, Canada and Australia are doing zilch; and in the UK, the Mosque Bosses are refusing to condemn Islamic State. (Well, as the IS butchery and enslaving are in the Koran and therefore OK, it makes it a tad difficult for them to condemn it)!
Meanwhile, our elected idiots wither politically left or right, PC-ers and hand wringers are collectively sleep walking us all into early dates with Islam's mental cases.  Pamel Geller and the organization, AFDI, issued an 18-point platform in defense of freedom years ago. Two key points were: (1) AFDI calls for immediate investigation into foreign mosque funding in the West and for new legislation making foreign funding of mosques in non-Muslim nations illegal.  (2) the AFDI called for surveillance of mosques and regular inspections of mosques in the U.S. and other non-Muslim nations to look for pro-violence materials. Any mosque advocating jihad or any aspects of Sharia that conflict with Constitutional freedoms and protections should be closed.
As long as the West shows little interest or intention of taking off it's burka and facing down the Monsters of Muhammad, we're on the train to fucks-ville.

Monday, July 13, 2015


So who's going to tell that Nobel gong idiot, Al Gore?
Geothermal heating from within the Earth's core beneath the much-studied West Antarctic Ice Sheet has been measured for the first time ever, and been found to be "surprisingly high". So it's not so much of the warming of air and sea by us then? That's not what the global warming simpletons want to hear. And to give 'em a double whammy, all around the rest of Antarctica the extent of sea ice has been growing not shrinking; such that there is nowadays much more Antarctic sea ice than there used to be - a circumstance which climate scientists admit 'has them stumped.' Stumped, eh? Perhaps they should ask an a astronomer friend why. For the global warming brigade seem to know zilch of planet earths wobble and it's changing elliptical orbit around the sun. Along with our Galaxy taking 200 million years to complete it's cycle - all of which contribute to the wax and wain of ice sheets over periods of tens of thoundands of years.  One of the biggest scams currently being perpetrated by the super computer lead meteorologists fraternity, is the degree of  human contribution to climate change; a political lead trillion dollar cost to world governments who can't tell a zebra from a xylophone.  Obviously, neither government mugs nor meteorologists have ever heard of the phrase: Crap in, Crap out.


John C. Bogle: Even as a boy, not a fan of
the whinging entitlement brigade.
Billionaire John C. Bogle was the founder and former CEO of the Vanguard Group and creator of the Index Fund. He was born in 1929 at the start of the Great Depression and started delivering newspapers at the age of nine. In his interview in Money Master the Game, he is quoted as telling his children, “Sometimes I wish that you would have grown up with all the advantages I had.” To which they ask, “Don’t you mean disadvantages?” “No kid, I don’t. I mean advantages. Getting along in the world, working your way through it all.”
Not that the current Castro Bros sycophant a.k.a. the mayor of NYC, would subscribe to this philosophy. Indeed, if you want you're city or town to look like a bankrupt doss house, vote in some clone of the Jerry Brown  Bill de Blasio variety. And if you want the terror incubator mosques to have a free hand, then the scrapper of the NYC counter-terrorism unit - that would be Bonkers Bill - would most definitely be your guy!
The Wreckin' Crew is still at Number 1, folks!

Saturday, July 11, 2015


Like my  flower? Skin cancer? Never heard of it.
Does it hurt a little bit? 
Dermatologists, cancer experts and other clinicians have raised concerns about a new trend being adopted by some sunbathers. It is known as sunburn art, which has gone viral among the internet's Eloi community. How we ever found a cave to sleep in never mind managing to plod through tens of thousands of years without becoming latter day Dinos, remains a bloody mystery. If in 500 years time our species is still top dog on planet earth, then we must have been genetically modified.