Friday, July 10, 2015


Millions of peace loving Shiite Iranians took part;  protesting in "cities across the country"  to mark International Quds (Jerusalem) Day, Iran's Fars news agency reported. This year, to give things a bit more spice and variety, apart from their usual party piece of burned Israeli and American flags, they included those of the Saudis and Brits in their festivities. Nope. Can't see any problem in allowing 'death-to-America' folks a few nukes. Certainly the Illinois Illusionist doesn't, so everything's hunky-dory. What a lying, treacherous bastard Barry is!
Well? You voted for "Change".

Thursday, July 9, 2015


'Boycotts are the noblest forms of resistance'.
So spouts the Gulf states news sheet; ignoring of course that they are global terror sponsoring hypocrites. That they're pointing their camel whip at Israel is a given; but as it's in the madras's of 7th century thinking which is responsible for unleashing Islam's warped virus of death-to-the-infidel around the world, isn't it rich in irony that these goat herders bang on about "boycotts"? Over the past 60 years, the only two things the Arabs have exported in any quantity is oodles of oil and terror. If you never had any reason to Go Green before, perhaps you've got one now.
Once I had an oil well, a wife or two,
Now brother can you spare a goat.
(Apologies to lyric writer E. Y. "Yip" Harburg and composer Jay Gorney)


A quick coffee and pee then it's off on a 300 mile blast
One of last year’s viral tech videos was of the Israeli company StoreDot, showing off it's phenomenal technology; charging a Samsung smartphone in just 30 seconds! Now the very same Israeli startup is racing to develop a brand new, ultra-fast charger for electric cars. StoreDot made international headlines when it initially announced its smartphone battery solution in 2012. The company developed its patented organic battery compound that charges five times more efficiently than regular electrolyte-powered battery. StoreDot’s solution is based on nano-technology, or “nano-tubes,” which can store and emit a large amount of energy in one go. While StoreDot is on track to implement its smartphone technology in several models by the end of 2016, its development team is also racing to present a technology that can recharge electric cars (such as Tesla vehicles) in a mere five minutes. In that supersonic time frame, StoreDot says cars will be ready for a 300-mile drive.


As Islamo-fascist Iran and the world powers shuffle toward a nuke surrender deal, one major sponsor of terror, Saudi Arabia - just an inch behind the Men of Mullah-Vile with Qatar a close 3rd - are facing drastic geopolitical shifts. Analysts say lifting sanctions on the Ayatollah's regime could greatly increase competition for oil sales. Imagine that, folks; competition in the oil biz! The biggest price fixing cartel ever are OPEC (the price fixin' Airlines used them as their model to screw us). Over the past year, the Saudis - Yanks still think they're an ally - were pumping 24/7, flooded the oil market, thus fucking the U.S. frackers. Indeed, many had to close their operations down with some nearly bankrupt. But why all that frantic, loss making Saudi pumping? Well, the Gulfies can't allow an energy independent U.S.of A. Meanwhile, back at the bagel free zone, Kerry and other useful idiots are being sliced like salami by Allah's cunning crew. Y'all have a nice day, now.


Hi there Westies. Anyone  know a good dentist?
According to reports, Islamic State psychos have crucified dozens of Syrian men and boys for having a few nibbles before the Ramadan fast ended. Eyewitnesses told the Syrian ARA News, “Those who break Ramadan are being crucified on electricity poles in Deir ez-Zor,” in eastern Syria. “The roads are filled with crucified men who violated the group’s strict regulations during Ramadan. There are dozens of victims who remain hanged on electricity poles across the province,” they said. One thing that can be said about Mohammed's religion of peace; when it comes 7th century barbarism, the Death Cult of Islam are tops.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


'The topsy-turvy idea was that the non-Muslim majority should apologise to those from whose ranks terrorism was coming. There was even a semi-successful attempt by the Muslim Council of Britain to ban the phrase “Islamic terrorism” from the media.' Charles Moore
There are a few like Moore who recognise the danger and refuse to behave like whatever-happened-to-the-Viking Swedes; now reduced to a rag-tag assortment of Lib/Lefties who are busy PC-ing there way to oblivion. I blame the likes of the BBC, CNN and the insufferable New York Times for facilitating the surrender to Caliphate Islam. That their appeaser throats would be sliced like any other infidels seems to be lost on the Chamberlains! 


Government To Release Britain’s UFO ‘X-Files’ – 
which could prove aliens exist.
Well, given the mind numbing number of star systems and galaxies in the known universe, it would be totally arrogant and narcissism extremeo to think that we humans are alone! Whither they've been here is still open to conjecture; but who'd want to associate with a planet full of loonies?