Monday, March 2, 2015


Oh...and when I said I'd got your back, Israel...
After bashing Netanyahu (par for the course) top Barry Obama aide Rice is to address AIPAC. And to make the outing even more ridiculous, that UN envoy Samantha Power is also to attend the pro-Israel lobby group’s conference in a bid to 'ease tensions' over Iran. The two major Israel detesters will be as welcome as two rancid pork chops. The New Dems under Fuhrer Obama, have moved as far away from the days of the Kennedy Bros as to be politically nearer the Castros; and then there are the 87 Democrats who are as anti-Israel in their voting as any Arab Block. Pity the liberal Jewish vote is still on auto pilot when they enter the polling booth and hasn't yet figured this. The arch narcissist can't abide Bibi because he gives the treacherous Grand Wazoo no credence what so ever. A report out of Kuwait claims that Obama thwarted an Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear facilities in 2014 after he threatened to shoot down Israeli jets! At the Court of Obama, one is expected to bend low, kiss ass and follow Barry down into the Bunker of the Bewildered. 

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


I want mommy.
U.S. Secretary of State, better known as Clown Kerry, said on Tuesday with as much indignation as he could summon, that Russia had repeatedly lied to him about its activities in Ukraine - where pro-Russian rebels are fighting national forces. "Russia is engaged in a rather remarkable period of the most overt and extensive propaganda exercise that I've seen since the very height of the Cold War," Kerry told a Senate Appropriations subcommittee. "And they have been persisting in their misrepresentations -- lies -- whatever you want to call them about their activities there to my face, to the face of others on many different occasions," continued one very miffed mommy's boy. Has Obama's Mr Inept just discover that nations will do and say whatever is in their own national interest - as if the U.S. is somehow different in that respect! Man up you Iran appeaser. And doesn't your Surrender-in-Chief, Barry Obama - you know, the guy with a box full of red pens - continually lie about not letting Islam's psychos in Mullahville have a nuke, while his policy screams the opposite? 

Monday, February 23, 2015


I've just read your meter, Abdullah. Been running
them U.V.'s again?
Starting Monday at noon, the Israeli Electric Company will curtail service to a number of cities in the West Bank. This is done as part of the IEC reduction of the debt owed by the PA and by the East Jerusalem Electric Company, an Arab owned utility. The debt owed by the PA and EJEC has mounted over the years, to reach just under $500 million! The Israeli Electric Company has warned the non paying Pali brigade over many months now, that it was well past time for an immediate settlement of the debt. But not as much as a "fuck -off" from the Koranics; illustrating that the Messenger was a few chapters lite in the Charm and Financial Responsibility section.
It's to be expected from the dodge pot P.A. but what about this idea: Abbas & Co could release some of the $billions the uber corrupt leadership have squirreled away over the years into Swiss bank accounts. Nope? Boy, are they so predictable. And it's just like the world's top bleaters to whinge and whiny about not being able to watch Islamic State vids but take zilch responsibility for the self created situation. Why Israel supplies the Palestinians with as much as a candle worth of electro magic, remains a friggin' mystery to me.


In world rankings - ahead of both US and UK - Israel has just been ranked number five overall in this year’s Bloomberg Innovation Index; the annual ranking of countries that measures performance in research and development, tech education, patents and other marks of technological prowess. Given more investment, Israel could be punching even more above it's weight. China - coming in at only 23 - could be one of the reasons why they have been investing heavily in the Jewish state.

Sunday, February 22, 2015


"When you supp with the devil, use a long spoon," goes the saying. But the Islamist luvin' Turk PM Erogan, so liked his satanic sessions, he's now got their legions just outside his own front gate. Turkish media have reported that some 3,000 head-choppers of Islam are looking to enter Turkey, with key commanders of Islamic State already hiding there in safe houses. Having failed to take the Syrian Kurdish town of Kobani, the Death Cult Crew of Mohammad have regrouped and are hoping to cross Turkey’s southern border. Terror experts inTurkey have said that suicide and bomb attacks are being prepared against Istanbul and Ankara missions of coalition forces which intervened in Syria. But the ever expanding barbarians of Islamic State with Syrian and Palestinian nationality are also planning to cross into Bulgaria to carry out their Caliphate, murder and mayhem agenda in European Union countries; where no doubt they already have tens of thousands of IS sympathisers waiting with loads of red carpets to roll out!


How I luv the smell of sulfur. Doesn't everyone?
Chat has it that pro-Muslim Bros, Iran nuke appeaser and dead duck U.S. Pres won't be there; and that he and his White House trolls may snub the upcoming conference of America's largest pro-Israel organization, AIPAC. 
But does anyone give a flying fuck what bummed off Obama says/does/ doesn't do anymore, except his mindless troop of Barry-forever Zombies? How many of the 70% Jewish vote he received still rate the Great Pretender? Too friggin' many! All of which really should explode the myth that Jewish folk are more politically astute than yer average goy!
One doesn't have to look like a
zombie in order to be one.

Friday, February 20, 2015


Much of the damage that ultraviolet radiation (UV) does to skin occurs hours after sun exposure. And...some damage caused by sunlight - the DNA damage that can lead to sunburns and even skin cancer - may occur even after sun exposure. (Vision: Yale News).  Well, no kidding! Anyone who has tried to get a nights kip after falling asleep in the sun with their bare ass on display, has this already figured. Say, you sun-kissed Einsteins; just how many spondoolies did you manage to scam from your sponsor - Middle Earth Dwellers Inc - to discover the bleedin' obvious?
Hi, I'm Peter and I live in the UK.
 We don't get much sun,
but when we do, I'm as mad as fuck for a tan.