Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Jeff Zucker, once of NBC - which should be a red flag to everyone - would just love to be able to bring Mr Uber Smug a.k.a. Jon Stewart over to join the Camp of the Bewildered, better known as CNN. 
Zucker, now the head dick-in-charge of the rampant liberal channel said not surprisingly, that he's a huge admirer of Mr Smug. And yes indeed, there would be room made in the CNN lifeboat for one more liberal toss-pot on board their slowly, sinking channel. Just the idea of giving a so called comic a news show on a fake news network as opposed to an entertainment channel like Comedy Central,  shows just how much the line between liberal propaganda news and what passes as entertainment has been blurred in the U.S. of A. The Stewart sycophants - with the attention span of a fruit fly and only one step ahead of a Dumb & Dumber flick  - don't need more daze and confusion in their under grad, perpetually adolescent minds. They're already too much of a liability in a dangerous world as it is.
Laugh? I need a double adult diaper under me pin-stipe
when watching Jon Boy slay 'em!


Half of Americans see the future with The Bitch of Benghazi a.k.a. Hillary Clinton as President. Oh, fucking, dear.
 But then the Republicans are acting really dumb by even thinking about yet another Bush to offer Joe Public.  
Jeb baby, the former Florida governor, will give a speech in Chicago Wednesday in which he will attempt to differentiate himself from his bro, former Pres George W and pappy, George H.W. But it's the name, not any clear water that Jebbers may make between himself and the other Bushes; it's that friggin' BUSH name, you GOP plonkers. 
If yet another Bush wins the contender prize and HRC is his Democrat opponent, a deep gloom should descend on any potential voter with more than 6 working brain cells. If I were a Yank, I'd sooner vote for H.A.L. than any of these two.


When the Messengers of Mohammad are not too busy with mass beheadings, burning people alive, crucifying children and throwing people off roofs, it has been reported that Islamic State have extended their activities and have become keen farmers; as in farming human organs of these they have butchered. With the sickest and slickest PR marketing machine outside of Madison Avenue, there's sure to be enough buyers who are as degenerate as they are. Meanwhile, Barry Obama - even after spending a small fortune with a famous speech therapist - still can't manage to get his tongue around the ticky "Islamic Terror" words. What a friggin' apologist the Illinois Illusionist is!


'Like math and the Midwest, Islamic State confuses progressives. It’s not hard to confuse a group of people who never figured out that if you borrow 18 trillion dollars, you’re going to have to pay it back. But ISIS is especially confusing to a demographic whose entire ideology is being on the right side of history. Raised to believe that history inevitably trended toward diversity in catalog models, fusion restaurants and gay marriage, the Arab Spring led them on by promising that the Middle East would be just like Europe and then ISIS tore up their Lonely Planet guidebook to Syria and chopped off their heads.' Daniel Greenfield.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


With spy satellites over-head that can read the small print on a car insurance policy while it's still in your wallet, why are these black flag fuckers still out marching in the sunshine? Has the U.S. run out of drones? Missing an excellent opportunity to send a street full off to Allah is really most frustrating!


Bizarrely, the FBI has been called in to investigate the source of "offensive graffiti" at The Islamic School of Rhode Island in West Warwick. The agency's Boston division announced on Monday it had begun a civil rights investigation into the vandalism which happened on Saturday night. What? Haven't the FBI anything better to do up there in the smallest state than acting like yer local cops? I smell more than a whiff of the local PC politico brigade behind this total waste of FBI time and resources. H-e-l-l-o! It's a local police matter, for fuck sake! It's their job to find and arrest their local loonies who sprayed up the place with "offensive graffiti". The FBI have a lot better things to do; like finding and stopping the next nest of Islamist rats who so want to blow off our asses! Jez, is there no end to liberal loopy-ness?


According to some jurno, the Danish synagogue attack is decribed as a ‘wake up call’. While the Jewish community has for years been lobbying for greater security, the Danish government hasn’t been forthcoming. Well, given the Danes are behaving like whose with a death wish for their own demise at the hands of the Allahu Akbar contingent, is it really such a surprise? And anyway, how many friggin'  'wake up calls' does it take before European Jews figure out that Europe has always been a graveyard for them? If you don't get your asses out of Europe soon, don't start bleating and wah-wahing away like some Palestinian when things really go pear shaped!