Friday, January 23, 2015


Grossly over paid with enough Lycra covering their ample asses to drape across the Rockies, seemingly the lads have had a spot of bother with their balls. Not enough air or something. Given that each day they fumble their footie more often than the wife, just how long did it take for the NFL head-bangers to come to that air deficit conclusion? Jez...


Dutch ex-minister Herman Heinsbroek said : 
'World peace if Israeli Jews move to US'.
Where do you begin to explain to this total twat that even if Israel didn't exist, the Caliphate Crew of Islam would still be after his stupid, infidel ass. He and his ilk are the reason why Europe is a fucking rats nest of Jihad jerk-offs!
 Anyone got a spare prayer mat?


That Saudi so called king has popped his camel clogs and the BBC, Barry Obama and others are sounding like a chorus of wah-wah Arab women. Saudi Arabia; what a hellish pit of a place! The incubator for Al Qaeda and all the other 40 shades of  Islam's allahu akbar, 7th century psychos. If not for their oodles of oil, would anyone give a flying fuck? Well, yes. Many in the West watched far too much "noble Arab" tosh like Laurence of Arabia. A more devious bunch of tent dwelling, back stabbing camel keepers would be hard to find! 

Thursday, January 22, 2015


What's this? I ordered the surrender monkey special.
American Sniper has broken box office records that had been set by blockbusters like Avatar, Passion and Hangover Part II . By the film refusing to demonize American soldiers or to spin conspiracy tales about the war, American Sniper has pissed off  90% of Hollywood's usual suspects a.k.a the west coastal progressives. The very same folk who jump into roles with mindless gratuitous violence, car chases and crashes ever 90 seconds and a script with a chimp credit; but hey, we're just making a living and that's cool!
Oh, Barry. Please say the naught words just once
for your Tommy-kins...
Meanwhile, over on the east coast - that lefty Obama leg humper of the NYT, Tom Friedman, has actually been throwing stale bagels at Barry.  Even Friedman has been up-chuckin' at his hero, who has consistently failed to call a quacking duck a duck. Each day, Barry and his mouth pieces contort the English language desperately trying to find new ways so as not to utter Barry's forbidden words: Radical Islam!  But for how much longer?

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Anyone who watched or listened to the State of the Union tosh dished out by the Illinois Illusionist won't have been surprised. If anyone has managed not to place the blame on Islam's psychos and their Caliphate Crew, it's the current U.S. President. One must hope, that the FBI, CIA and NSA never -  except in lip service - ever took on any of Barry's baloney. If ever a President deserved to be totally ignored, especially in matters of foreign policy and national security, then it's surely been Barry.


A new study compiled by the white coats of science, states that drinking four cups of coffee a day may protect against malignant melanoma, a deadly form of skin cancer. Study participants who drank four or more cups of coffee daily were 20 per cent less likely to develop malignant melanoma . All very good, but like all of these "studies" the first question to ask is, who's funding it? If say, Coffee Bean Growers Inc. shell out research grant moolah, it might come as no surprise they suggest drinking big black steaming mugs in volumes similar to the late Frank Zappa. Or they may hint, it may make one impervious to a plutonium leak. You might have noticed the words may, perhaps and if, abound in most newly minted studies - whatever the subject under investigation. If one takes the food and drink findings of every study as gospel - over three score years and ten - you'll be performing more U-turns than a London taxi driver in diet and life style. Everything in moderation, as yer granny may have said...
I'm sure I've found the holy grail; but first I'll need a few million
of you to die to prove my empirical evidence.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Greetings, earthlings. I'm Jacky L and boy does
LA need me!
Jack Lindblad, a potential US Senate candidate for the Green Party stated - through channeling the voice of the High Priestess of Krakatoa - that he was recently ejected from a Flat Earth Democrat Truthers meeting because he voiced his own theory about the Paris murders. Seems whack-o Jack's view was a twirl too far even for the likes of the zombie Dems of Barry the Faker. And Jack's theory? The real planners behind the brutal attacks in Paris were not Islamic peace-niks; the killings were carried out on the orders of US and Mossad agents, who controlled these nice, Koranic luvin' Muslim boys, by means of a dick-head chip implant.  Jack - who recently returned from a mind entanglement trip to planet Zog - confirmed that a moonbeam used telepathic means to convey yet another revelation to him; the re-election of Israeli PM Bibi being the sole objective behind the Paris attacks. Lefties and Green Beaners have a long history of falling off the hillside of planet politics.