Monday, January 12, 2015


Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it a kosher store and Jewish folk in the shop, four of whom were murdered? And then there was the kosher bloke too who was part of Team Charlie. Why then did the French gov do everything but arrest Bibi on touch down. I would have though that being the PM of the Jewish State, with five Jews murdered in Paris, it would have punted Bibi up the pecking order. When the likes of some dubious folk like Abbas and some "heads of state" or their stand-in get top billing, can't the French gov just for once, keep their Dreyfus dreamin' feelings to themselves?
The Jewish officer who was framed,
and stitched up by some of the usual
suspects, only much later to be
given a full pardon.


Turkish Airlines carried more passengers to and from Israel than any other foreign airline in 2014, according to the Israel Airport Authority's annual report. According to the report, the Turkish carrier flew 690,000 passengers of all nationalities in or out of Tel Aviv's Ben-Gurion International Airport last year. 
What's behind such high numbers? Could it be that the present Turkey regime - being such rock solid mates with all the various shades of allahu akbars around the middle east - you've much more chance of having Turkey's bomb-friendly Abdullahs not planting one on a Turk flight; thus you and your luggage arrive in one piece for that sunny, Holy Land vacation.


There were 40 world leaders including UK PM Cameron and German Chancellor Merkel; but Barry-Islamist-Lite-Obama and Clown Kerry were otherwise engaged. Some of these so called "world leaders" included those who roast Charlie types in their own neck of the middle east Muslim sand dunes. What a bunch of fuckin' hypocrites and chancers most of 'em are!
If you need to pee or plop, go now.

Saturday, January 10, 2015


Q: Why has every French government allowed Islam to become a defacto state-within-a-state, with seven hundred, (yes 700) Muslim enclaves across France where Sharia Law is the law; and in these 7th century time-warps of doom, the French police don't/won't police?
A: Try the word appeasement in yer crossword!

Friday, January 9, 2015


The "religious" leader (left) of the Shi'ite Muslim terrorist poodle of Iran a.k.a. Hezbollah, said without any hint of irony, that, "Islamist terrorists had done more harm to Islam than any cartoon or book". A reference one presumes to the attack and murder carried out by some of  his opposition - known as Team Sunni - on the editorial staff of French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo. In the middle east, The Shits V The Sunni Sphincters can't ever have enough bombs and bullets to kill each other with - which is certainly A-OK with moi. For if they ever settle their inhouse tiff, we in the west and elsewhere, will have even more of the Plague of Islam to concern ourselves with. 
Flicking through the tv news yesterday, the liberal channel anchors covering the Paris attack, were awash with their two fav words: "backlash" and even better, "Islamophobia". A cute marketing word coined a few years ago by non other than the very Islamist Muslim Brotherhood's  PR Department. The anchors and their panels were in overdrive; useful idiots indeed are CNN and the scurrilous MSNBC. As long as the lefty and liberal tendency continue reporting  from their alternative universe that blames us in the West for the behavior of Islam's asylum escapees, we will be rolling that big heavy ball up hill.

Thursday, January 8, 2015


US director of National Intelligence James Clapper said the recent cyberattack against Sony Pictures, which Washington has blamed on North Korea, is the most serious such attack ever against US interests. Er...I think Mr Clapper should have crossed checked with the FBI; for the've said that the Sony attack was not such hot shit; and that those individuals who launched it might very well be caught. Do send a wee postcard to each other from time to time.
Dear James, try checkin' with us before catching another crab.

Meanwhile, Barry Obama's managed yet again to exclude the Islam word, when speaking about the French terror attack on liberty and freedom of speech. Here's a clue Barry - who's a proven Islam appeaser - that the perpetrators of the Paris outrage weren't some fringe Buddhist sect. The terrorists shouted out: "Allahu Akbar" and "We've avenged the Prophet"  Do these words ring a bell, Barry?


Oh my Messenger, what a big tongue you have!
The Associated Press and  the other so called "free media" bravehearts  are censoring photos of the Charlie Hebdo cartoons that Islam's psychos used to justify their terrorist attack on the French satirical magazine’s office on Wednesday. CNN and CBC in Canada also said they would not publish photos that show the cartoon, and the New York Daily News blurred the image in one of its photos. The AP cropped out the drawings from an existing picture of Charlie Hebdo’s editor Stéphane Charbonnier, who was killed along with at least 11 others in Wednesday’s attack. CNN issued a memo advising its staff to avoid publishing images that show the cartoons.