Saturday, December 13, 2014


A piece in a Washington belt way bugle has reported on a major discovery by a so called "think tank."  'The government of Qatar continues to willfully turn a blind eye to individuals channeling money to al Qaeda-affiliated groups across the Middle East and to Islamic State extremists in Syria and Iraq, despite joining a U.S.-led military coalition battling the militant group.' No kiddin'!
This is old camel milk to those who understand and know the wily ways of the Arabs; and has about as much surprise value to anyone who has noticed that the sun has a habit of appearing in the morning and disappearing at night. While the head of NATO has been singing Qatar's praises this week, Putin  continues merrily on in his Border and Intimidation Tour. Taking the Crimea and going sailing in the Baltic Sea, the master of Russia's back-to-the-future has been busy rebuilding the lost empire, simply because Barry and Co along with the EU chorus are regarded by Vladimir as wet as a can of Bud. You've sort of got to admire Putin's poker playing, even though he's only across the table from a bunch of broken westie biscuits. (Image: Copyright Control)
 I'll raise you the world, weaklings...

Friday, December 12, 2014


So the white coats of  science have finally caught up with what every woman already knows; not that the fare sex is much ahead of us with the hanging tackle. If this comes as news to anyone , take yourself off through the door marked, Thick An' Proud Of It. 
If anyone wants the idiot evidence for humanoids, there's zillions of examples out there, but I'll just choose a couple of my favs: 
(1) Putting legs of Robots. 
(2) Creating Artificial Intelligence. 
And if you really need it explained to you why, I rest my case.
Thank you, welcome to extinction...


Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said in an interview to the Egyptian press agency that he supports steps taken by Egypt against Hamas. 
Given that Abbas can speak out of every known body orifice simultaneously  - with a different message flowing forth from each and every one - I'd sooner believe camels going through the eye of a needle before anything that this Nazi loving, closet Islamist, treacherous pig-fucker says!


UBER sounds like a smart idea and certainly thinks it is, valuing itself at around $40 billion. But in essence, is it really so much different than that cowboy cab outside some airport, which the voice over the loud speaker warns you not to set foot in? Now with an alleged rape in New Delhi, India and with Spain and other countries beginning to rumble the Uber cool company, there's almost bound to be more loose wheels ahead for them new kids on the block.
In the U.S. the Portland Commissioner Steve Novick certainly isn't an Uber fan. “If Uber thinks there should be no maximum price on what they charge Portlanders, they should make their case to the Portland City Council. If Uber thinks taxi companies shouldn’t have to serve people with disabilities, they should make their case. If Uber thinks taxis should not have to have proper insurance in case of a crash, they should tell us why we should allow that.”
I  think the Portland chap has given the over confident Uber a puncture that was always waiting to happen.
 Uber says it will start implementing measures to ensure that rider feedback — especially when it's critical — is met with immediate action. Hmm... (Image: Copyright Control)
Uber man,Travis Kalanick selling the virtues of
getting into a vehicle that might just cost you more
than a few dollars...

Thursday, December 11, 2014


The U.N. says rich nations have pledged to take 100,000 Syrian refugees. Er...why the fuck us again? Why can't the oily Gulf states take their Muslim brothers and sisters? The western democracies are spilling over with 50 million Muslim malcontents who mostly hate us, are unemployable and cost the EU billions in hand let's have another 100,000!  Meanwhile, the head of NATO is praising that arch Islamist terror sponsor Qatar for it's role in combating terror. Except for a few, our leaders in the west are a combination of fairy flakes and friggin' retards!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


The CIA's "enhanced interrogation" of Islam's death cult, predictably makes the Park Slope-ers of Brooklyn, NY and their ilk elsewhere in Dems Den, U.S. of A  pin on their moral high ground badges and recoil in horror. They all love their middle class comfy sofas and the good life; but the dark details which contribute to keeping their status quo and asses safer are not at all welcome. You see, they and the liberal media they imbibe, actually believe that all nice folk (like them, of course) all they have to do is be nice to everyone, and hey presto, those who want to toast you and your country, will soon be dancing cheek to cheek with you. A lesson from history: To defeat real evil, you sometimes have to do things that are not in tune with the norms and values that is expected from a democratic nation. To think and believe otherwise shows that you're still a political child residing in Neverland with Peter.  

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


 Max Blumenthal:
One very, arrogant,  fucked up
self hatin' Jew. 
After years of sidling up to the line, the New York Times has finally gone pedal to the metal with the full-on anti-semitic op-ed by that arch racist Israel-hater Max Blumenthal. The op-ed reiterates Blumenthal's idee fixe - that Israel is an inherently racist and evil state that has no right to exist, essentially rejecting the Jewish people's right to self-determination. The self hating capo's magnum opus, "Goliath", is an openly anti-semitic screed whose primary theme is the blood libel; and that Israel is essentially indistinguishable from Nazi Germany. It was attacked even by the many critics of Israel  for being more or less ideologically identical to one of Islam's death cults, the genocidal terrorist group Hamas. The NYT - with it's anti-Israel drip drip by such useful idiots as Roger Cohen and The Moustache - have now gone Full Monty Max under the guise of free speech. (Image: Copyright Control)