Thursday, July 24, 2014


Obama & Co, this treacherous regime of dogs, had the the FAA ban imposed on Israel in order to grab the Jewish State by the back of its neck to try force it into a ceasefire! And that ceasefire would be imposed on Israel before it was able to accomplish the mission it has set for itself - after years of terrorist attacks with thousands of rockets raining down - the total destruction of Nazi Hamas. But this is last thing the Grand Wazoo in Washington wishes; and anyone who still thinks that this Islamist sand monkey lover Obama is remotely a friend of the Jewish State, should check in for some colonic irrigation of their brain.


Gianni Vattimo is Italy’s most famous philosopher and a former MEP. This week he announced that he wants to personally kill ‘Zionist bastards’ and thinks Europeans should raise money ‘to buy Hamas some more rockets.’ On the latter point, the EU already does - another 11 million euros going to his mates any day now - but why not let Mr Vattimo deliver them in person? Perchance, he may be invited to take part in the next Hamas bikers convention.


The UN Terror Supporters Committee shout "war crimes" about Israel's operation in Gaze - but not a word about Nazi Hamas storing their rockets in or under every available school, hospital and kinder garden and firing into Israeli cities. Israel is fighting Hamas with two hands tied behind it's back; a the self imposed constraint that no army in the history of conflict has ever done. But if the rockets don't stop very soon, it will be time to end Hamas any which way...and I don't mean a cease-fire, Barry Obama!  
Chechen War: Russia V Islamist Barbarians with not too
many allahu akbars being heard after it ended.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Mosul...before Islam arrived it was once home to tens of thousands of Christian Arabs; but the situation for Christians and secular folk in northern Iraq has taken a mighty sharp turn for the worse. Thousands robbed and forced to flee their homes as Islam's ISIS butchers from Death Inc. - the same parent company as Hamas - arrived to Koran the populous and thus show them the error of their ways. If anyone out there is still sitting on the picket fence and failed to grasp as to who the good and bad guys are -and not just in the Israel/Hamas affair - then it must be because a medium sized white stake in their ass is preferable to locating the moral on-switch in what passes for a brain.
(Image: Copyright Control)


Flicking through the so called U.S. news channels, you could be forgiven if you thought Nazi Hamas weren't a designated terror group. The indecent and frantic haste from Team Obama to stop the Israelis finishing the job exposes their asses for what they have always been: Radical Islam friendly. Wither through total stupidity or for more sinister reasons I'd score it 70/30. This present administration like to put the various Islamist groups into different boxes. Ones that have attacked America: drones and special ops against them forever. Terror groups that threaten Israel with extinction: the Muslim Bros their offspring Hamas and Hezbollah. OK to get on with the genocidal agenda. Even the EU - most definitely not Israel friendly - has stated that all the "militants" in Gaza must be disarmed. Obama & Co are sending the poor wee souls $47 million which, like all the other billions that have been poured into the Pali Brigade, will be taken by their psycho leaders for tunnels and rockets and never be used to help any the Abdul Ordinaries.


What really impresses me about all the various Death Cult Turds of Islam? Their complete, non ambiguous honesty. They don't just want to slap the limp, democratic states wrist; no, siree, it's the concrete galoshes for y'all. And none of that kissin' babes in arms at the waffle diner either. Yep, infidel politicians could learn even from the uber nihilist merchants from Doomsville. Speaking honestly about what polices they are actually going to inflict us with would be a totally new experience for most of them!
This particular turd leader is in Doha. Never been in Gaza since,
oh about 2010.
Obama attended his seminars on leading from behind.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Just clink the link below then type in your city or one that you don't like! Great fun for all the family and friends. Pass it on!