Saturday, June 21, 2014


CITI Israel, the local subsidiary of the multinational financial giant, along with nearly three dozen other companies, is working with interns who came to Israel in June as part of the Birthright Israel Excel Business Leadership Program. The program includes 40 students from top universities in the US and Canada, who are interning with companies like Amdocs, General Motors (at their Herzliya Advanced Technical Center), Microsoft Ventures, Tnuva, Giza Venture Capital, Wix, along with Citi, and many more.
(Image: Copyright Control)


For the first time since World War II, the number of people forced from their homes by war, famine and conflict worldwide, has surged past 50 million, the United Nations Refugee Agency stated today. Fifty million, eh? Fact: Did you know that the Palestinians have their very own special refugee status and therefore their very own agency at the UN? Exclusively for them. Only just them, the planets top bleaters. Over the years, Palestinians have had $billions of dollars given to them, which they've manged to totally squander. It's beyond absurd, but of course it's totally politically motivated by all the usual suspects this Palestinian Only scam. But given the figure of 50 million, it's also most definitely friggin' obscene! If bleating and terror were a category, the Pali Brigade would win the world cup!
Johnny, ma boy; what's a few $billion dollars more?

Friday, June 20, 2014


Palestinian Education: Paid for by US and
EU tax payers and the UN. 
Curriculum: Hitler Youth.


Obama and Kerry's latest stroke of genius: we could work with Iran!


Wide gaps remain as the Western Infidels and Iran begin to draft the "accord" text. The Gap: Iran wants a nuke. The Infidels in their oh-pretty-please-don't-make-that-bad-thingy sort of way, wishes the Islamo-fascist tossers would just keep their devious asses out of the nuke lab. But in the end, the drug appeasement junkies, aka the Infidels, will do fuck all to stop a Mullah special! (Image: Copyright Control)
Oh, so that was Las Vegas!

Thursday, June 19, 2014


ISIS, currently spearheading Islam's Caliphate ambitions across Iraq, are no rag-tag army; rather they are a sophisticated grouping with at least 8,000 Jihadists in it's ranks, with up to 400 of them believed to be from Britain. ISIS has also adopted a wide ranging social media strategy to recruit to its ranks and disseminate propaganda. The latest score to date from the Death Cult Crew is: 1,083 assassinations aka murders; 4,465 car bombings since 2013 with no numbers of dead and wounded given... and that's just in Iraq! Hans-Georg Maassen, the head of Germany’s domestic Intelligence Service, said he 'is staggered by the amount of "Likes" the ISIS gets'. Er...this is what you get when the governments in Europe and the US live for years in denial and sleepwalk in the direction of wishful thinking. Just how many wannabe young Islamist psychos are in our Western midst? Perhaps we'll be finding out sooner than some may think!
The religion of peace at work in Iraq.


In more than 600 pages of Hillary Clinton's new book, she takes to white washing radical Islam with a mega roller; which explains why she understood sweet FA about the terror attack at Benghazi. And there's ner a word about African Islamist group Boko Haram; who - when not butchering and murdering the innocent - are mighty fond of kidnapping hundreds of girls and burning boys alive. With HRC's hand picked Huma Abedin as her deputy chief of staff to advise her, (Abedin has proven ties to Islamic supremacism) what does one expect. Hillary, the next President of the USA? I bloody well hope not!