Thursday, June 19, 2014


(Image: Copyright Control)
An Arab-Israeli Company Is offering the worlds smallest computer ever for only $55! The SolidRun CuBox is a high performance, low power HTPC and media center, which is packed into a tiny cube, just 2 × 2 × 2 inches in size. It weighs just 91 grams (0.2lb, 3.2oz) and is a fan-less computer which runs on fewer than 3W power, even when streaming and decoding full-screen 1080p video. It can be used as a thin client, network attached storage, digital signage solution, set top box, Android TV, home security device or a well-rounded media player.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Listening to the BBC or any liberal "news" channel reporting on what you-know-who are up to around the globe, you might think you've pressed the Disney channel by mistake. You'll hear plenty of their fav banal words, especially these pair "insurgents" and "militants". Which is the liberal channels' PC coded way of delivering their Islam friendly perspective. I'm not expecting: Islam's Satanic Psycho-Butchers Nearing Baghdad!... but hey, let's at least call them for what they are!

(Image: Copyright Control)


Why do Jews - especially liberal ones - think that the world will finally come on board their Middle East perspective? If the Allies in WW2 did all of nothing to stop the 24/7 Nazi murder factories, do you actually believe Obama and the European governments theatrical hand wringing about three abducted teens? What happens to the Jewish people is of little, if any concern to them. Israel should do exactly what it needs to do and stop all this crap about keeping their so called friends politically on board. These so called friends don't and never really existed. History has shown that the Jews and Israel shouldn't expect any earthly intervention on their behalf; for the bare truth is that Israel's destiny is dependent on the decisions the Israelis make for themselves.
(Image: Copyright Control)


Israel Hi-Tech: Until recently the stuff of science fiction, an Israeli tech company Consumer Physics had a dream: to bring our knowledge of the physical world closer to home. Now Consumer Physics has developed the SCiO; a hand-held device which allows users to scan items in their environment and analyze precisely what they are made of! “The physical basis for this material analysis method is that each type of molecule vibrates in its own unique way, and these vibrations interact with light to create its own unique optical signature.” Sounds rather Zen-ish...
Good vibrations about to become what...?


More talk-talk and baloney from Bennett. So far Bibi and the boys are more Chamberlain than Churchill. You'll know when you're doing the biz on Fatah/Hamas when you get Hamas Central's New York office, aka the NYT, neck veins popping!


The lie of Israel's"apartheid". If any of you fuckers want to see "apartheid" go to any Gulf State!

The spiritual leader of Israel’s *Druze community has expressed solidarity and support for the families of the teenagers kidnapped by Arab terrorists last Thursday evening. “The thoughts of all the Druze in Israel have been directed to the fate of your sons,” wrote Sheikh Muafeq Tarif. *The Druze are a Muslim sect who serve in the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) from the age of 18.
Funeral for Israeli Druze soldier, Samer Hussein; killed in action.

The Israeli Arab city of Kalansua in central Israel last week held a fundraising event for a leading Israeli disabilities organization, called the ‘A Smile of Hope’. The event is believed to be the largest fundraiser of its kind in an Arab community for an established Israeli charity, with 700 people in attendance and $97,000 raised.
(Image: Copyright Control)

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Now, let's all say together that ol' Three Musketeers thing...
Obama and the EU have swept facts about Islamist Hamas under their Arab League rugs; so here's a little 1.56 minute overview of what most Western governments are now embracing in your name!