Sunday, June 1, 2014


The ex-Islamist, Akkari has made it known that there was absolutely nothing spontaneous about Muslim reaction to the Danish Islam cartoons. On the contrary, he continued, 'it was a calculated response drawn up by Danish Imams and various Muslim ambassadors who appealed for help to both influential Muslim states and terrorist organizations such as Hamas and Hezbollah.' 
Oh do lighten up Islam; for we in the West enjoy taking the piss, and if you can't take it, well tough titties! Go watch the smash hit Book of Mormon and stop taking yourselves so bloody seriously!
Is that my kebab being over cooked?


Angola is the first country to actually ban Islamic practice. And Japan - having watched the ongoing appeasement army of Islam's radical elements in Europe and North America - have been quietly and without any fanfare - all but placed Islam in a straight jacket! Would that our western governments finally deal with these radical, 7th century, Sharia Law tossers and follow Japan's lead!
(Image: Copyright Control)

Saturday, May 31, 2014


(Image: Copyright Control)
There are a Billion + Muslims who, like you and me, only want what's best for their family and friends; and then there are the radicals, who are funded by like-thinking governments and individuals, who seek to silence all who oppose their Nazi-style agenda. The media mostly won't print or discuss the camel in our western living rooms, but some site owners are risking their very necks to expose an evil  - about which unfortunately, most decent, law abiding Muslims stay silent.
Click the link:



Let me bloody well go already, President pants-on-fire!
(Image: Copyright Control)

Friday, May 30, 2014


Yep. I'm offski, so no more BS from moi!
Jay Carney has thrown in the towel. Obama's mouth piece has had enough of lying for Team Obama and his first stop will be the confession box; and he better take more than a packed lunch to tide him through the weeks he'll be parked there.


Joe Garcia keeps bad company! Don't give him your vote!!!
"Emerge USA" is a Florida-based front organization whose unstated goal is to give radical Muslims a political voice in America; and United States Representative from Florida, Joe Garcia, is one of it's chums. Garcia has accepted thousands of dollars from Emerge for his 2014 reelection bid, and he has returned the favor by helping the group raise more money. So, isn't this how the Yanks do politics? But tarry there ye fair of the two co-chairmen of Emerge is South Florida attorney Khurrum Basir Wahid! And Wahid’s clients include: Rafiq Abdus Sabir, who received a 25 year prison sentence for conspiring to provide material support to al-Qaeda; al-Qaeda member Ahmed Omar Abu Ali, who was given a life sentence for plotting to assassinate George W. Bush; Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Sami al-Arian, who is presently under house arrest in Virginia; and Hafiz Muhammed Sher Ali Khan, a Miami, Florida imam who was convicted of funneling tens of thousands of dollars to the Taliban for the express purpose of murdering American troops. So Joe G ain't just hanging out with any old dudes. Them are bad assed and anyone still with a mind to cast a vote in Joe's direction should first apply for a lobotomy.  Kick the bum OUT!